  • 期刊


Identifying the Crucial Factors Influencing the Adoption of Electronic System for Export Operations in Air Cargo Terminal: An Industrial Perspective


本研究以科技、組織、環境模式(TOE)為理論架構,透過文獻回顧與專家訪談,以產業觀點彙整出影響航空貨運集散站出口作業導入電子化之關鍵成功因素共三大構面及12項準則,並據以設計成專家問卷進行發放,最後共回收10份有效問卷,並利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)求取各關鍵成功因素之權重值並進行排序。研究結果顯示組織層面因素是填答者認為影響航空貨運集散站導入電子化作業最關鍵的構面;整體而言,高階主管支持、直接的利益、安全問題、競爭對手的壓力以及資訊科技經驗是影響航空貨運站出口作業導入電子化最關鍵的五個考慮因素。本研究亦利用個案公司進行電子化效益分析,結果顯示除在作業時間上有明顯之節省外,也為企業帶來人力節省、服務創新、顧客忠誠度等無形效益。本研究結果冀望能提供給航空貨運供應鏈成員採用新科技及導入電子化作業參考。


Grounded on a technology-organization-environmental (TOE) model, this study conducts a literature review and expert interviews to identify the crucial factors influencing the adoption of electronic system for air cargo export operations in Taiwan. A framework with three dimensions and twelve criteria was consequently proposed. In total, 10 valid respondents were collected by expert questionnaire. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was conducted to identify the key factors influencing the adoption of electronic system in Taiwan's air cargo terminal operators. Results show that organizational factor was perceived by experts as the most important factor. In sum, top management supports, direct benefits, security, pressure from competitors, and information technology experience are the five most important criteria. Moreover, a case study was also conducted to realize the benefits for adopting electronic system in air cargo terminal. Results show that not only the savings of cargo handling time, but also the intangible benefits such as manpower savings, service innovation, and customer loyalty. The results of the study can provide strategic suggestions for air cargo terminal operators when adopting the new technologies.
