  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of One-Night-Stand Sensitive Question by Using Stratified Random Sampling


從古至今,『敏感性問題』一直是諸多調查者所頭痛的問題,因為問題牽涉到人隱私與種種心理問題,而導致人們不願意誠實的回答問題甚至拒絕作答,這樣的情況也導致資料的誤差,因此為解決此情形,許多學者題方法來進行估計。本文選擇「一夜情」作為調查研究之敏感性問題,以M大學之學生為調查對象,進一步比較直接詢問法(Direct Response Method)、Christofides(2003)與Wang & Tsai(2006)隨機作答模式等三種方法於敏感性問題的實證分析,針對調查效果而言確實可以發現採用Wang & Tsai(2006)隨機作答模式有較好的估計結果。


”Sensitive question” has been an issue troubling researcher in the field of statistics. For questions relevant to people's privacy would lead to the consequence that people would answer the questions dishonestly or even refuse to answer, which makes it difficult to obtain the true information. Therefore, many scholars bring up many methods to estimate the real proportion. This article choose ”one-night-stand” for sensitive problem and students in M university as investigated samples. Then we compared the efficiency between direct response method, Christofides (2003) and Wang and Tsai (2006) randomized response model, and we can find Wang and Tsai (2006) model have the best efficiency in parameter estimation.
