  • 期刊

Where East and West Meet: Chinese Revolutionaries, French Orientalists, and Intercultural Theater in 1910s Paris



本文爬梳了李石曾與拉洛伊兩位劇作翻譯者的作品(李石曾曾中譯了兩部當代法語劇作,而拉洛伊則將中國十三世紀的古典戲曲譯為法文),以探索其各自所承載的劇場傳統。 本文從中、法兩種語言的戲劇作品及其譯本出發,討論存在於原始劇作與翻譯劇本之間各種文化面向的問題。此一研究途徑在吾人研究諸如「中國性」與「歐洲性」等問題時,提供了某種特定的歷史性洞見。


This paper deals with the translation of Chinese and French-language plays and their staging outside the culture in and for which the plays originally were written. Such an approach can hope to yield insights only into specific, historically contingent constructions of ”Chineseness” and ”Europeanness” and not into ”Chineseness” and ”Europeanness” as such. This is all the more true since the two translators of the plays discussed in this paper were more interested in exploring how their respective theatrical traditions could be enriched by that of the other and were less interested in exclusive definitions of their theatrical tradition. The two translators and their works to be discussed in this paper are Li Shizeng who translated two contemporary Western plays from French into Chinese and Louis Laloy who translated a classical Chinese play of the 13th century into French.


Ah, Yinged.(1982)。Wan Qing wenxue congchao。Beijing:Zhonghua shuju。
Laloy, Louis 1911 "Le chagrin dans le palais de Han," La Grande Revue (25, Dec., 1911)
Laloy, Louis 1921 Le chagrin dans le palais des Han (Paris: La Société littéraire de la France, 1921)
Laloy, Louis 1928 La musique retrouvée, 1902-1927 (Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1928)
Li, Shizeng 1932 "Chongyin Ye wei yang juben xuwen," Juxue yuekan, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1932)
