  • 期刊


Sun Yat-sen and Chinese Modernity: Some Thoughts about the Paradox between Democracy and Technocracy


一九四九年以後的臺灣,往往被列入「發展型國家」(developmental state)之林,國家機關(state)在強人威權與專業技術官僚(technocracy)領導下,帶動了經濟社會的發展。這些專業技術官僚得以躍升舞台,實有其錯綜複雜的思想/歷史過程。本文取觀念脈絡(ideas in context)之研究手法,論證專業技術官僚的面世,特別與孫中山構思權能區分主張「專家政治」之論述,密不可分,同時也得到知識界的呼應。專業技術官僚的角色,在一九四九年之後的臺海兩岸,始終佔有一席之地。然而,「專家政治」和「民主實踐」之間,衝突矛盾,張力無窮;歷時既久,後繼者則無所措意。藉由整體歷史的脈絡進行觀察,對孫中山的思想世界及其遺產,應可提出更恰當的認識。


This article analyzes how Sun Yat-sen's (1866-1925) followers articulate his discourse on the distinction between sovereignty and ability. In Sun's views, the power over the government indicates that the great power is entirely in the hands of the people. People possess a full degree of sovereignty and are able to directly control the affairs of state. The power of governance, correspondingly, is in the hands of the government organs. The organs are powerful and are able to manage all nation's business. Sun's discourse can be examined in the intellectual context of the failure in modern democracy. Sun's followers, however, neglect his concern about democratic procedures. Instead, they emphasize the great power of the government organs and interpret it as technocracy.


Sun Yat-sen Chinese Modernity Democracy Technocracy


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