  • 期刊


The Literary Legacy of Hanaoka Seishū, Japanese Pioneer in Anesthesia




Hanaoka Seishū (1760-1835) was born in Meishu, Kaminakacho, Kishū (now Hirayama Village, Nachi District, Wakayama Prefecture). His most significant contribution to the history of medicine is that he successfully performed general anesthesia by using his own oral formula "tsūsensan" in a mastectomy on October 13, 1804. The existing research on Hanaoka Seishū therefore focuses on his medical practice and achievement. This paper, however, takes a literary perspective to study Hanaoka Seishū. Through "The Collection of Hanaoka Seishū's Poetry" in Hanaoka Seishū and His Surgery (Hanaoka Seishū Sensei Oyobi Sono Geka) compiled by Kure Shūzō (1865-1932), my research explores how his poems drew inspiration from Chinese poetry. The inspiration has been embodied in a transition of his poems from classicism to individualism and his breakaway from the level of imitation to Japanized Han poetry. This article, furthermore, delves into Hanaoka's interpersonal networks so as to gain a better understanding of his personal history and explain the significance of a typical cultural lifestyle that Hanaoka has revealed in his poetry. Lastly, this research investigates the relationship between the development of Han poetry and the development of medical thoughts in the Edo era.


﹝西漢﹞司馬遷 SIMA, Qian 1976 《史記》(臺北:鼎文書局,1976 年)。 Shi Ji [Records of the Grand Historian] (Taipei: Tingwen Book Company, 1976).
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﹝唐﹞李白,瞿蛻園等(校注) LI, Bai (au.), QU, Tuiyuan et al (proof. & an.) 1981 《李白集校注》(臺北:里仁書局,1981 年)。 Libaiji Jiaozhu (Taipei: Liren Books, 1981).
﹝唐﹞王維,陳鐵民(校注) WANG, Wei (au.), CHEN, Tiemin (Proof. & an.) 1997 《王維集校注》(北京:中華書局,1997 年)。 Wangweiji Jiaozhu (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1997).
﹝唐﹞杜審言,徐定祥(校注) DU, Shenyan (au.), XU, Dingxiang (Proof. & an.) 1990 《杜審言詩注》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1990 年)。Dushenyan Shizhu (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe, 1990).
