  • 期刊

Manipulation of The Lady of the Lake: Xie Xueyu's Translation Practice in Colonial Taiwan



Xie Xueyu (謝雪漁, 1871-1953) was a traditional literatus living in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation, who had a long and successful career in editing, writing, and translating. This case study foregrounds one of his translations, the short story entitled "The Heroic Legend: Queen of Scotland" (武勇傳:思谷蘭國女王). Specifically, possible source text Xie used to produce his translation is identified, which facilitates an analysis of Xie's translation methods and their connection to the social currents of his time. The story "The Heroic Legend: Queen of Scotland" takes its basic plot from The Lady of the Lake, a narrative poem written in 1810 by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832). Through multiple facets, the translation was analyzed against its possible immediate source texts, leading to a conclusion that the text Xie used for his translation was The Pretty Lady of the Lake (湖の麗人), the 1936 Japanese translation of Scott's original by Irie Naosuke (入江直祐, 1901-1991). Xie's translation was not a straightforward reproduction in Chinese of Irie's version, but was rather a manipulated text. He turned a tale of romance and war centered on a beautiful lady living on a lake into a political story of quelling unrest, one in which the queen takes center stage. Writing after the Second Sino-Japanese War had begun in 1937, Xie revealed his own political stance towards Japan. In his life, Xie took an active interest in the colonial power by studying Japanese, working for the Taiwan Governor-General's Office as an editor of Taiwanese language teaching materials, and teaching the Taiwanese language to the Japanese occupiers. In his work, he similarly took a pro-Japanese stance by encouraging "Kōminka" (Japanization) and loyalty to the colonial government, a stance expressed throughout his lifelong dedication to writing and translating literary works in Chinese. Xie's actions and his writings may have resulted from his desire to flow with the ideological and poetological currents of his time.


謝雪漁(1871-1953)是日治臺灣時期的傳統文人,在20歲時進入臺灣總督府國語學校學習日文,之後又開展出他的編輯、翻譯、創作生涯。本研究以謝雪漁的譯作〈武勇傳:思谷蘭國女王〉作為個案,試圖追溯其源語文本,再從其譯作分析這位傳統文人的翻譯實踐與社會脈絡的關係。這個故事最原始是來自華特.史考特爵士(Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832)於1810年寫的敘事詩The Lady of the Lake。本研究經過層層比對,確定其底本為入江直祐(1901-1991)的1936年日譯本《湖の麗人》。謝雪漁透過各種敘事操縱,把一個以湖上美人為中心的愛情戰爭故事,轉變成一個以女王為中心、平亂招降的政治故事。在1937年日本中國開戰之後,這樣的改寫明顯揭示了他的政治立場。謝雪漁採取的種種行動,包括主動積極學習日語,進入總督府擔任臺語的教材編輯與教學工作,在創作及譯作中鼓勵皇民化與效忠政府,以及致力於漢文小說的翻譯及書寫,可能都是在大環境的影響之下,致使他扮演的角色不得不跟著當時的意識形態及詩學潮流而變動。


謝雪漁 傳統文人 湖上美人 轉譯 操縱


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