  • 期刊


The Challenges of Global Governance to Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy: An Approach of Institutional Transformation in Human Resource Systems


二十一世紀爲學人定調爲一個全球治理的世紀,其特徵是國家職能的轉變,國家向市場機能傾斜及減少其顯著性,而增加非國家角色在規範以及規則制定程式與監控方面的涉入及深化。在此一趨勢下,國家和政府間的組織(IGOs)、市場機制及公民社會等三個角色間,在資訊科技的興起與運用下,逐漸發展出緊密的網絡關係,深化全球的相互聯動與依存性。在這樣的環境變遷下,勢必對十九世紀韋伯所建構的官僚行政理論在公部門的運作上,造成相當的衝擊與挑戰。 本文從制度轉型研究途徑及重要性,以及制度轉型與全球治理分析因素及關聯性,就全球治理思潮對韋伯官僚行政理論的挑戰,從人力資源制度轉型作綜觀性的探討,其目的在創造新的價值與永續發展,使我國考銓機構之人力規劃與培訓制度運作機制,能隨著時代及環境的遷移,作必要及適度的變革與轉型,以全球爲架構思考,以在地爲關壞行動,在全球治理思潮下,符合所需的策略性、創新性、參與性、效率性及回應性子五大機制,有效型塑緊密聯結、良性互動的全球治理公共行政網絡,達到制度轉型的預期效益與目標。


Twenty-first century is defined as the era of global governance by scholars. Then, the characteristics of the era are the transformation of national function, the tendency of nation toward marketing mechanism, and decrease in national characteristics; besides, the feature tends to increase the involvement and reinforcement of non-nation role in regulation, rules of organization formula, and supervision. Under the trend, the triangle roles of IGOs, marketing mechanism, and civil society with the application and derivation of computer technology, they develop the coherent network relationship little by little, and then reinforce the global mutuality and dependence to think. Facing such global environment mobility, the theory of bureaucracy constructed by Max Weber in nineteenth century must confront with the indispensable challenge and collision in manipulation of civil service. Based on the importance of approach of institutional transformation, the coherence between institutional transformation and global governance, and the challenges of global governance to Max Weber's theory of bureaucracy, the thesis makes the overview of institutional transformation by means of human resources system. Then, its purpose mainly focuses on the innovation of new value and everlasting development of institutional transformation. Thus, it can contribute to the manipulation of planning human resources and training system in our personnel organizations which effectively connects to the coherent, interactive public administrative network of global governance with the five mechanisms of global governance, that is, strategy, innovation, participation, efficiency and responsiveness, with the mobility of time and environment to think globally and act locally. As a result, it can achieve the target of institutional transformation.


