

高鈣血症在安寧病房是-常見的問題,約20-30%的癌症病患在其疾病過程中會出現高鈣血症。高鈣血症主要的徵候有骨頭痛、厭食、便秘及意識改變。癌末病患若出現高鈣血症是一不良的預後指標,約50%的病患會在30日內往生,也可說高鈣血症是一進行性惡化的徵候(dying signs)。當癌末病患出現高鈣血症時,首先要與病患及家屬作病情及預後的告知。有效地降低血鈣,讓病患有清醒的意識及免於其他高鈣血症的症狀所苦,而能與家屬共享一段美好的時光,然而我們也發現少數個案,家屬同意不積極治療。因此適當的處置高鈣血症在安寧病房是有其重要性,


Hypercalcemia is one of the common problems in the hospice ward. Hypercalcemia has been diagnosed in around 20 to 30 percent of patients with cancer during the course of their diseases. The main presenting symptoms of hypercalcemia were bone pain, anorexia, constipation and altemation of the consciousness. The detection of hypercalcemia in a patient with cancer signifies a poor prognosis; about 50 percent of such patients die within 30 days. Therefore hypercalcemia is one of the dying signs in patients with cancer. If hypercalcemia had been diagnosed, we must inform patient and his (her) family about the findings, as well as prognosis. Once hypercalcemia under control, the patents consciousness may improve and other symptoms related to hypercalcemia will be alleviated. He or She will have a better time with his (her) family: However, there were some families who feel that impaired consciousness might be more appropriate for the dying patient and further aggressive management of hypercalcemia might hot be warranted. Therefore it is important to make appropriate management decision about hypercalcemia in hospice ward.


hypercalcemia hospice dying signs


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