  • 期刊


Experience in Weaning an Out-of- Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest Patient off A Ventilator Support System in Hospice Care




This article aims to explore the method of weaning an out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest patient off a ventilator support system in hospice care. Nursing care was provided during the 1st to 14th of June, 2014. The data was collected through a physical assessment which was focused on the patient's physical, psychological, and social aspects via a family interview and conference. There was argument about poor quality of life and dignity for a persistent unconscious patient with ventilator. The family insisted to withdraw the ventilator support system. After giving respiratory training to the patient and success of weaning was achieved. Four methods of clinical care and hospice palliative care were suggested by medical team, which could improve the physical comfort, well-being and quality of life.Respiratory training is very important not only for the family but most importantly for the patient. This article can be used as a reference for future care of similar cases.


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