  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Acupressure in Terminal Cancer Patients with Constipation:A Pilot Study


研究目的:探討穴位按壓對癌症末期病患便秘之改善成效。材料與方法:本研究為隨機對照研究,研究對象為南部某區域醫院安寧病房有便祕問題之病人,隨機分為實驗組A、實驗組B 及對照組。對照組僅接受一般照護,實驗組A 加上真穴位按壓,實驗組B 加上假穴位按壓,穴位按壓每日執行2 次,共持續5 天。所有研究對象在研究期每日收集便秘症狀,實驗組A 及B 於每次穴位按壓前後再評估腸蠕動次數。結果:共收案24 位癌末病人,三組個案基本屬性皆無顯著差異,而接受真穴位按壓之個案,其第2 天早上及第3 天早上腸蠕動增加次數顯著優於接受假穴位按壓之個案。結論:有鑒於本研究收案數少,穴位按壓對癌末病人便祕症狀及腸蠕動成效尚無法有強而有力的證據支持,建議未來應再進行嚴謹、盲化、大規模之研究。


穴位按壓 癌症末期 便秘


Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore the effectiveness of acupressure in terminal cancer patients with constipation. Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial design that participants were recruited from a hospice ward in a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Patients with constipation were randomly assigned to the experimental group A, the experimental group B, and the control group. Patients in the control group only received standard care. Acupressure was done twice a day for five days which experimental group A received acupressure in true acupuncture points and experimental group B received acupressure in false acupuncture points. The primary outcome measured was the symptom of constipation for all participants. In additionally, the numbers of bowel movements were measured daily before and after receiving acupressure for the experimental groups. Results: Twenty-four patients were included this study. There was no significance in all demographic data at baseline among three groups. In the morning of acupressure applied on Days 2 and 3, the numbers of bowel movements was improved in the experimental group A than the experimental group B. Conclusions: This study was done a small sample, so the current evidence could not suggests that acupressure offers significant benefits in improving the symptom of constipation among terminal cancer patients. Further studies with rigorous, blinded and larger sample sizes are required to support these results.


Acupressure Terminal Cancer Constipation


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