  • 期刊


The Experience of Providing Palliative Shared Care to a Young Adult patient with Lung Cancer with Brain and Bone Metastasis


本文是探討一位青年期肺癌併腦、骨轉移病人之末期照護經驗,此病人正值青年期,其生理發展,可謂是生命中的高峰階段,但卻面對癌痛之苦,即將枯萎的生命,與親人間的生離死別的問題。護理期間自2014 年07 月19 日至2014 年09 月19 日止,運用Gordon 十一項功能性健康型態評估工具以觀察、訪談、身體評估、團隊討論及查閱病歷等方式收集資料,病人的護理問題為:疼痛、低效型呼吸型態、心靈困擾。照護期間筆者除了使用藥物緩解病人的病痛外,也使用芳香療法按摩及音樂治療等方式減輕病人身體上的不適。以真誠的陪伴、愛、關懷及包容的態度,接納病人及家屬情緒的表達,讓病人與家屬道別,使病人善終、家屬善別;藉由安寧團隊與原醫療團隊二者合作,不入安寧病房也能接受安寧療護的服務,共同擬定照護計畫及諮詢服務,協助病人完成心願。希望藉此護理經驗分享,以做為臨床護理人員照護之參考。


肺癌 末期照護 疼痛 心靈困擾


This article is discussing a care plan for a patient in the last stage of lung cancer with brain and bone metastasis. This teenaged patient was in the most important phase of his life;however, he was facing the difficulties of accepting death separation from his family and loved ones. During 2014/07/19-2014/09/19, the case collected the data based on Gordon’s 11 functional-health-patterns and the author observed、interviewed, conducted physical examination on the patient, held the group discussion and reviewed his medical records. The clinical symptoms of this patient included pain, ineffective breathing pattern and spiritual distress. The author relieved the pain of this patient by medication, aromatherapy massage and acupressure. The author assisted the patient and family to express their feeling and say good bye to each other with accompanying, love、caring and understanding when the final hour of the patient was approaching. The cooperatin of medical team and hospice care without entering the inpatient hospice unit. The medical team and hospice care team established the care plan and consultancy to fulfill the patient’s wishes. This article provides the reference for caregivers by sharing the experience.


lung cancer terminal care pain spiritual distress


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