  • 期刊


Current Analysis Over DNR of ROSC (Return of Spontaneous Circulation) Patients of IHCA (In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest)


研究目的:探討不施行心肺復甦術(DNR)在院內心跳停止病人之現況。材料與方法:採電子病歷回溯性調查設計,以2012 年1 月1 日至2015 年12 月31 日(共4 年)期間發生院內心跳停止施行心肺復甦之365 位病人資料進行分析。結果:CPR 病人共有365 人,中有208 人(佔57%)恢復自發性循環(Return of spontaneous circulation, ROSC )、有27.7%發生再次CPR。CPR 最後死亡者有306 人(佔83.8%)、有59 人(16.2%)存活。在存活之59 人中其出院時意識清醒且能自由活動者有22 人(佔37.3%),而意識不清、臥床需他人照顧者共37 人(佔62.7%)。ROSC 後醫療團隊與家屬有討論DNR 者為96 人(佔50.3%)。而有討論DNR 者其住院中再次發生CPR 的比率較未討論DNR 者為低(7.3%vs. 48.4%;P < 0.001 ),且CPR 的總時間較短(12.9 分鐘 vs. 23.0 分鐘;P < 0.001 )達統計上顯著差異。結論:院內心跳停止施行心肺復甦之病人其住院總死亡率高達83.8%,且有1/4 的病人發生再次CPR,而有DNR 討論者可以降低再次CPR 的比率與CPR 時間,因此建議醫療人員對於院內心跳停止施行心肺復甦之病人,介入DNR 討論方能使得家屬了解醫療現況並減少再次CPR 的比率與時間。


Purpose: To discuss the current condition of IHCA patients with DNR. Materials: The survey is designed using medical e-records from Jan 1^(st) 2012 to Dec 31^(st) 2015 to analyze the information of 365 IHCA patients with CPR. Results: There are 208 (57%) of 365 patients with CPR recovered to ROSC (Return to Spontaneous Circulation, 27.7% in need of re-CPR and 306 (83.8%) of them dead. Amid the 59 alive patients, there are 22 people (37.3%) with conscience and ability to move freely and the rest 37 people (62.7%) are unstable and in bed in need of attention. The rate of re-CPR of those having discussed DNR is lower than that of those having no discussion over DNR (7.3% vs. 48.4%; p = 0.000) and the time on CPR of those having discussed DNR is significantly shorter (12.9 minutes vs. 23.0 minutes; p = 0.000). Conclusion: The rate of in-hospital death of IHCA patients with CPR is 83.8% and 1/4 of patients had re-CPR, but those having discussed DNR can lower down the rate and time of re-CPR. Thus, it is recommended that medical staff insist in DNR discussion with families of those IHCA patients with CPR to make the condition crystal-clear and reduce the rate and time of re-CPR.


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