  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Caring a Terminal Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient Suffering from Death Anxiety




This case report explored the experience of the hospice and palliative care for a patient with terminal stage of hepato-cellular carcinoma. From Nov 6^(th) to Nov 25^(th) 2015, the information of this patient were collected through observation, nursing care providing, interview, and team meetings. Assessed by hoslistic biopsychosocial and spiritual approach, the main nursing diagnoses of this patient were identified as "deficient fluid volume", "ineffective breathing pattern", and "death anxiety". His ascites and bilateral lower limbs edema were improved by body massage, suitable position, diet education, diuretics and albumin. To relieve his shortness of breath, low flow oxygen, aromatherapy, and small fan were applied. His daily activities were assisted to reduce physical burden. Prescribed intravenous antibiotics and oral opioids were also administrated. With the terminal disease, he recognized the desperate death after experiencing the passing away of his roommate. He became depressed, speechless, and sleepless at night. After understanding of his life experience, personalized psychosocial and spiritual care was provided. We helped this patient to spiritedly overcome long travel to visit his old-aged stroke demented mother. He appreciated his mother to give him love. And he apologized to her for having done something. As well as said goodbye to his brother and sister-in-law. This action let his families closer and have a chance to say farewell with each other. Then he felt so peaceful that he can face death. After that his families also got energy to go on a good life. At the end of life, according to the wish of this patient, he passed away in hospital with accompanying and blessing by his brother and sister-in-law. Our hospice and palliative care team members cared him at bed-side and comforted him carefully. He went forward to another journey peacefully and smoothly.


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