  • 期刊


Nursing-Care Experience of Hospice Shared Care to a Young Adult Patient with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia during Terminal Stage




Due to uncertainty in the treatment process and fear of death, patients with terminal cancer suffer from physical, psychological, and spiritual problems. The same is true of their family members. This article describes the nursing experiences of a young patient with advanced cancer and his families who are facing disease progression and suffering from many physical, psychological, and spiritual problems. The researchers gathered relevant information by clinical observations, physical assessment, consultation during the work of hospice shared care in the hematology ward. The patient's main nursing problems were dyspnea, difficulty in making decisions, and anticipatory grief. To solve the issues, the researchers discussed symptom management and care goals with the patient and his families. Through the hospice shared care process, we provided adjuvant therapy to alleviate respiratory distress, anxiety, and fear. In addition, we helped them to express their inner thoughts and needs by actively listening, supporting, and accompanying them. In the end, the patient died peacefully, and the families also obtained bereavement by establishing a positive connection with him and fulfilled patients "life mission".


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