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Consensus among Physicians towards Covid-19 Vaccination for Hospice and Palliative Patients: A study at a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan




Purpose: Vaccination is an effective method to reduce the occurrence and mortality of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Overwhelming studies have revealed the frequency of COVID-19 infections and post-infectious mortality to be higher in persons with chronic diseases than without them. In addition, specialists also call civilians to receive full vaccination. However, there is a shortage of information concerning the vaccination in patients receiving hospice and palliative care. A wrong message may let patients receiving hospice and palliative care to lose their opportunity and protection for vaccination. Method: In this study, authors designed different scenarios ranging from preparing to complete the letter of intent for the choice for hospice palliative care and life-sustaining treatment to end-of-life hospice care. The virtual patients were conscious or unconscious, and either virtual patients or their family requested vaccination. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude of physicians for vaccination and selection of label in patients receiving hospice and palliative care. Participants were from a single medical center at south Taiwan and had received standard hospice/palliative training. Result: Results showed that most of the physicians expressed a positive and supportive attitude for vaccination in patients receiving hospice and palliative care. The influential factors included the severity of hospice/palliation level, the suitability of clinical conditions, autonomous performance and vaccine harm. Moreover, physicians did not show preference for any label. Conclusion: We suggest government and medical association to setup the principles of medical care and education for COVID-19 vaccination in order to protect the right of patients receiving hospice and palliative care.


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