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A retrospective study of end-of-life patients who had received family conference, palliative care, and DNR signature in a Hospital




Purpose: Palliative care is the best way of achieving a good death for end-of-life patients, and family conference is an ideal method for medical decision making. Nevertheless, according to the previous research and clinical experience, palliative care and family conference is not common. This study aims to analyze the influencing factors and the current situations of the palliative care, family conference, and the DNR signature (Do not Resuscitate, DNR). Method: We conducted a retrospective study analyzing 519 cases of Death Medical Records, hospitalized date from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. Statistical methods used Pearson's Chi-Squared Test and SPSS 24 version software. Result: The highest death rate included the following variables: male, over 85 years old, non-cancer patient, and die-within-3-days hospitalization. The terminally ill patients who had received family conference, palliative care and DNR signature is 36.4%, 22.5%, and 94% respectively. Conclusion: Family conference are helpful for terminally ill patients to receive palliative care. The cancer diagnosis has a significant impact on the family conference, palliative care, and DNR signature. Patient religions have a significant correlation with palliative care. Hospitalization over 15 days has an important influence on both family conference and palliative care, comparing to hospitalization less than 3 days. Cancer patients have a higher ratio of conducting family conference and palliative care whereas the non-cancer patients do not. Family conference are very important in the end-of-life medical decision making. The sooner the family conference is held, the sooner patients can receive palliative care and the family members will have more time to prepare for death.


terminal stage DNR palliative care family conference


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