  • 期刊


The Role of Chuan-Chung-Cha-Tiao-San in Migraine Treatment


偏頭痛是一個很常見的疾患,對於個人、家庭及社會都造成極大之負擔。治療偏頭痛之西藥,尚無一個理想有效的治療,可以讓病人滿意而完全脫離偏頭痛的困擾。中醫治療頭痛疾患主要依據辨証論治,但出自宋代太醫局之川芎茶調散於對頭痛之療效令人振奮,但是往往缺乏國際通用之頭痛診斷標準,因此難與西藥作有系統之比較。 本研究的材料與方法為挑選年滿18歲,小於65歲之偏頭痛患者,分成治療組及控制組治療各有25人,隨機分配服用川芎茶調散或安慰劑,以平行、雙盲、對照試驗進行,藥物排除為一週,服藥時間為四週。主要療效指標為治療前後急性發作緩解時數與度數及偏頭痛的緩解次數的變化,本研究共篩選50位患者,其中有3位患者評估後因有使用合併藥物,因而退出實驗,已領藥的患者中,有一位因失去聯絡只好中途退出,另外有2名患者因服藥後不適中途退出本實驗,還有兩位因家人反對中途退出,7位退出實驗的患者中只有失去聯繫那位為實驗組,其餘皆為對照組,所以最後完成本實驗共有42位患者。其中有20位對照組,22位實驗組。在療效部分結果發現不管在第一部份為服藥前後每日頭痛的時數,第二部份為服藥前後每日頭痛的度數,第三部份為服藥前後每日頭痛的次數,經統計後發現這三部分的P值皆>0.05,無統計上的意義,故本研究的結論發現此次實驗用藥川芎茶調散於治療偏頭痛的臨床療效並不如實驗前所預期的,對照組與實驗組的療效並無顯著的差異。


Migraine is a common disorder in daily life. It causes disability and profoundly impairs the quality of life of the sufferers. The treatment of migraine in Western medicine can be divided into abortive and prophylactic. However, there is still no ideal agent till now. There are many strategies for headache treatment in Chinese medicine. Chuan-Chung-Cha-Tiao-San is one of the most popular and proved effective to headache equivalent to migraine. However, the diagnosis was mainly based on traditional theory of medicine. We hope to clarify the exact role of this medicine in migraine diagnosed by worldwide criteria proposed by international headache society. Migraineurs aged 18-65 will be included in our two study groups; the placebo group and the prophylactic group. Twenty five subjects are recruited in each group. A randomized, parallel, controlled study will be conducted to evaluate the role of Chuan-Chung-Cha-Tiao-San in migraine treatment. The result is recruited 50 patients, but there have 7 patients give up because of combination with other drugs. We have 20 patients for the placebo group and 22 patients for the prophylactic group. There are no different between placebo group and the prophylactic group in any data base. Even the effect of Chuan-Chung-Cha-Tiao-San in migraine treatment.


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