  • 期刊


The Similarities and Differences among the Systems of Theory:Main Point of Comparison: Principlism and Non-Principlism




This article aims to respond to the following thoughts in the ethical studies circle:1. Is it necessary for the study of ethics to establish a first principle?2. Is the first principle non negotiable and must it be given absolute priority?3. When one is upholding principlism, can one consider the principles of righteousness, benefits (utilitarianism), and other principles?4. Is it possible to put aside principlism and use other means as the basis in making ethical judgment?Principlism emphasises the use of a first principle as the yardstick in measuring ethical behaviour. Deontological Theory and Teleological Theory both advocate that first principle (utilitarianism or principle of righteousness)must be given absolute priority in ethical judgment. This is the fundamental principle (foundationalism).As with regards to coherentism, there are two points on this:1. Constructive Pragmatism, which was proposed by HenryRichardson. Richardson has the opinion that it is not necessary forutilitarianism or the principle of righteousness to be given absolute priority. They could be used to supplement each other and to achieve mutual balance.2. The four middle level principles of Biomedical Ethics aresummarised by Tom Beauchamp and James Childress. They are:a. Principle of Autonomyb. Principle of Non-maleficencec. Principle of Beneficenced. Principle of JusticeThere are two schools of thoughts on Non-Principlism:1. The Virtue Ethics of A. Macintyre and D. Statman. They justify wholesomeness and unwholesomeness according to the intention of one’s behaviour.2. The Ethics of Care proposed by C. Gilligan and N. Nodding. Using feminity (feminine) as the base, they suggest that existence is founded upon relationship. Care is the foundation of ethics. Besides,there is also the Situation Ethic that emphasises on the differences in circumstances/situations when making moral judgments. This is the Liberal Theology of Christianity advocated by Joseph Fletcher.By using a Buddhist’s point of view, this article analyses theethical studies of the various systems of theory mentioned above.While discussing the Ethics of Care, this article also comments on, and objects to, the possibility of generalising the Ethics of Care as the common ethics principle.


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Frankena, William K.、黃慶明譯(1999)。Ethics。台北:有志圖書出版公司。


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