  • 期刊


Nature Conservation, Environmental Protection and Tzu Chi Movement


對應2010年慈濟論壇「環境與宗教研討會」的旨趣,本文從自然保育、環境保護與慈濟宗的相關,略作註解與建言。 在辨正(correction)中國的「天人合一」、「人定勝天」,以及西方環境倫理的些微觀念之後,本文簡析台灣的生態保育及環保史,並提出慈濟宗環保的最重大特徵,乃在於爲普羅基層提供生命價值的切入面,賑濟台灣史上政經無能照顧的屬靈層面,引爆社會角色的扮演或身分定位、功能肯定或回歸大我主流;慈濟喚醒並重新締造,從良知到社會行動的嶄新里程碑。 作者肯定慈濟宗乃宗教中的宗教,其刻正開創人類尚未存在的善與普世新倫理、新價值。同時作者建言,台灣自然生態系的內涵暨閩南文化等,可說是慈濟建立永世之宗的活水源頭;而面對大是大非的智慧、勇氣與承擔更是所需,至於佛法大本源恆爲終極依歸。


To echo the ecological concerns in Tzu Chi's 2010 forum on Environment and Religion, this paper offers explanations and suggestions about nature conservation and environmental protection related to the Tzu Chi Movement. After contrasting the Chinese concept of ”the harmony between man and nature,” and the idea that ”man can conquer nature” with western ethics about environmental protection, the author briefly analyzes the history of ecological conservation and environmental protection in Taiwan and proposes that the most significant feature of Tzu Chi's environmental protection movement lies in the fact that it provides the general public a vital way to pursue the true value of life, that it takes care of the public's needs in spiritual dimensions where neither political nor economical authorities have been able to gratify in the history of Taiwan. It introduces a movement in the society where people start to re-examine their roles in the society, their identities, the affirmation of their functions, and a major trend to return to the interest of the collective self. As a counterweight to the egoism that used to be the mainstream of our society, Tzu Chi has set a landmark movement that inspires and recreates good conscience and responsible social actions among the public. The author affirms that Tzu Chi is a religion among religions. And it is now generating goodness and new universal ethics and values that have not existed in our human world. At the same time, the author suggests that the natural ecology and native culture of Taiwan can be the fundamental sources for Tzu Chi to establish a long lasting lineage. What it needs would be the wisdom and courage to face major issues about right and wrong, the courage to take up responsibilities, and a strong foothold rooted in Buddha Dharma, where it begins and where it shall return.


