  • 期刊


Animal Rights: What They Are, and Why They Matter


動物權的擁護者有別於畜牧改良者,他們亟欲達成的,不是改善動物飼養環境、打造更寬敞的牢籠,而是直接廢除奴役動物,解放囚籠!截至目前,這些人在人數上仍微不足道,大約只佔全球人口百分之一吧!對此,有人肯定感到疑惑:他們是如何踏上這條不歸路?答案至少有三種可能。有些人無庸置疑是天生的「達文西人」,和達文西一樣,基因裡蘊含著動物權意識,他們不需要被說服、不問任何「理由」,一切再自然不過;有些則是「大馬士革人」,就像是前往大馬士革路上的聖保羅,一次生命轉機,瞬間觸發人生視野的改變;另一些則是「躊躇不前者」,渾渾噩噩,既無同質基因也不曾歷經生命轉化,但是透過相關信息的滲透,他們來到生命轉彎處,終與鏡中動物權捍衛者相逢對望。這些人殊途同歸,透過不同路徑,走向相同目的地:廢止侵犯其他動物權利的虐待行為。那麼,什麼是「動物權」?這道命題既無法從媒體報導中找到解答,也無法從民調數據中獲得答案,唯有透過獨立思考,接受「哲學邀請」(philosophy's invitation)。所謂「哲學邀請」,隱含著邏輯思維、充分掌握線索、打破自我偏見,而本文的目的即在於:廣發邀請!


Animal Rights Advocates (ARAs) are not reformers; we are not trying to improve the conditions of their exploitation-by increasing the size of their cages, say. ARAs are abolitionists; we are working for empty cages, not larger cages. Collectively, ARAs are small in number-perhaps 1% of the world's population. So you have to wonder: How did we get this way? There are at least three possible answers. - The DaVincians (after Leonardo). Some people are born that way. Awareness of animal rights is in their genes. They don't have to be convinced. They are not asking for some sort of "proof." It's just the way they are. - The Damascans (after Saul/Paul). Some have a single life-transforming experience. They are changed in the blink of an eye. - Some (Muddlers) muddle along. Nothing in the genes. No single life-transforming experience. They acquire bits and pieces of information and ideas until one day they look in a mirror and see an ARA looking back at them. Though there are different paths, they all lead to the same conclusion: the abolition of the ill-treatment of other animals because such treatment violates their rights. What does this idea ("animal rights") mean? Cannot answer this question by going to the media or by reading opinion polls. Only by thinking independently: the invitation of philosophy. Philosophy's invitation is - to think logically - to be informed - to rid ourselves of prejudice The purpose of my remarks is: to extend the invitation.


Regan, Tom(2004).Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights.Lanham, Maryland:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Singer, Peter(Ed.),Regan, Tom(Ed.)(1989).Animal Rights and Human Obligations.New Jersey:Prentice Hall.
