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The Methodology and Philosophical Stance of Master Yin Shun's Interpretation of Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa (Da-zhi-du-lun)


《大智度論》作為中國佛學的詮釋與開展的來源之一,其中可探究的論題與題材相當駁雜。本文僅以印順法師的詮釋與論述作為研究的主軸,作為《大智度論》在漢傳佛學發展史中如何被理解與詮釋的探究範例。作者於此論文指出,印順法師對《大智度論》的理解與詮釋,可從方法論與哲學立場兩種視角來把握。就方法論而言,印順法師在〈《大智度論》筆記〉中,選擇論中重要概念,或以條目、或摘錄文本重要字句,雖然表面上是「筆記」的形式,但作者發現其中有印順法師自身的詮釋與理解隱蔽在「筆記」的形式之後。再者,雖然印順法師對《大智度論》的詮釋或援引散見於其龐雜的著作之中,但可分成兩種詮釋方法:分別為「教理」(Buddhist Philosophy)與「教史」(Buddhist History)。此兩種詮釋方法的交互運用形成了印順法師《大智度論》詮釋的方法論主軸,其中包含了佛學基本概念的釐清、學派立場的疏通以及判教觀點等。就哲學立場來說,印順法師的《大智度論》詮釋在其方法論的基礎上除了顯露出其對於「教理」的理解、衡定與判準之外,也顯示出其哲學立場,此種立場則是回溯至印度中觀哲學基本問題的理解與把握上。作者指出,印順法師不但在方法論上重構《大智度論》的歷史與思想場景,並堅持《大智度論》的文義,更重視印度中觀哲學的理論內涵,並藉此對當代《大智度論》詮釋做出具體的回應與駁議。因此,透過「教理」與「教史」雙軌的詮釋理路,有助於我們適切地把握印順法師對《大智度論》的理解與詮釋,也呈顯出印順法師詮釋《大智度論》的方法論與哲學立場。

Parallel abstracts

As one of the main sources in regards to the interpretation and development of Chinese Buddhist studies, issues and topics that can be further probed in are considerably heterogeneous. With only Master Yin Shun's interpretation and discussion on Mahāprajñāpāramitopadeśa (Da-zhi-du-lun, hereafter abbreviated as DZDL) as our main core of study, and as an example of study on how to comprehend and interpret DZDL within the history of the development of Chinese Buddhism.With this to indicate that the comprehension and interpretation of DZDL of Yin Shun can be exploited through two types of perspectives, i.e the Methodology and Philosophical stances. In regards to the Methodology, in his works of "The Notes for DZDL", Yin Shun selected important concepts from DZDL, either in the forms of clauses and subclauses or abstraction of important sentences from the text. They seem to be in the form of notes, but within I caught sight of his own interpretation and comprehension concealed behind this form of notes. Again, though his interpretation and citation of DZDL were scattered in his vast works, they can be classified into two types of interpretation, i.e. the Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist History. The interactive usage of these two types of interpretation shaped the principal axis of the Methodology of interpretation of Yin Shun on DZDL. Among embodied the clarification of Buddhist fundamental concepts, the mediation and viewpoints on the critical and systematic classification of the positions of Buddhist schools. In terms of the Philosophical stance, on the foundation of his Methodology, beside the revealing of his comprehension, weighting and judging on Buddhist Philosophy, Yin Shun's interpretation on DZDL also exhibited his philosophical points. This standpoint has to be recalled back to the understanding and comprehension of the philosophical fundamental problems of Indian Mādhyamaka philosophy. This paper shows that under the Methodology stance, not only Yin Shun reconstructed the historical and thought scene, his persistence in the literary content, and he also placed high value on the theoretical connotation of Indian Mādhyamaka philosophy. With this to response and refute specifically on contemporary interpretations of DZDL. Thus, the duo-interpretation path of Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist History can aid us in making the most out of Yin Shun's comprehension and interpretation of DZDL, and also present his Methodology and philosophical stances.


Étienne Lamotte, Le Traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nāgārjuna,Tome I, Louvain: Bureau du Muséon, 1944.
Lamotte, Étienne. Le Traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nāgārjuna, Tome III, Louvain: Universite de Louvain Institut Orientaliste, 1970.
Lamotte, Étienne. Gelongma Karma Migme Chödrön trans., The Treatise on the Great Virtue of Wisdom of Nāgārjuna, vol.1, 2001.