  • 期刊

亦男亦女,非男非女-論間性人(intersex)對基督教同志/酷兒神學(queer theology)的挑戰

Mixed Gender or Third Sex: On the Challenges of Intersex and Gay and Queer Theologies


1969年的紐約石牆起義事件引發全美,甚至全球的同志運動。進入21世紀之後,歷經30年的同志運動取得令人側目的成就,全球至少25個國家承認同性婚姻,而台灣亦領先亞洲,2017年最高法院判決禁止同性戀者結婚違憲。西方基督教亦在20世紀末發展出為同志(LGBTI)辯護的同志神學(Gay Theology)與酷兒神學(Queer Theology),但LGBTI中的I(intersex,即間性人)卻一直未受到同志神學或酷兒神學的嚴肅關注。本論文旨在爬梳西方性別論述歷史,從間性人(intersex)的事實批判新教神學家卡爾巴特(Karl Barth)性別關係神學與傳統基督教性別二元分化的異性戀霸權(heteronormativity),進而挑戰反同基督徒以為聖經絕對無誤的謬誤神學,並從此發展更激進的酷兒神學。


基督教 同志神學 性別 間性人 酷兒 聖經


In 1969, the Stonewall uprising took place in New York, which later led to a series of gay rights movements in the United States and across the globe. The gay rights movements have since made remarkable progress well into the 21st century. Currently there are at least 25 countries where same-sex marriage is legally performed and recognized, whilst Taiwan has become the first Asian country that declared any prohibition of same-sex marriage "unconstitutional" by the Grand Justices in 2017. By the end of the 20th century, Gay and Queer Theologies also emerged as part of Christianity that tried to defend LGBTI groups. Among these individuals, however, the "intersex" people (which stands for the 'I' of "LGBTI") have been long trivialized or even dismissed by the aforementioned theologies. The aim of this paper was to comb through the literature in western gender studies, and proffer criticisms for the "gender binary based" heteronormativity presented by Karl Barth, a reformed theologian who was an advocate of Gender Theology and gender binary of traditional Christianity. Ultimately this paper makes a heroic effort to prove the theological fallacies firmly held by those anti-LGBTI Christians, and then present an even more radical Queer Theology for readers to ponder.


Christian Gay theology gender intersex queer Bible


饒孝柏,《聖經的無誤與難題》,台北:校園出版社,2004 年。
細細老師,《性別告白》,香港:明窗出版社,2017 年。
托倫斯,《神學的科學》,北京:中國人民大學出版社,2003 年。
歐陽文風,《同志亦基督徒》,台灣:台灣好世協會,2017 年。
