  • 期刊


The Pandemic, Politics, and Religion: A Case Study on Taking the Control of Religion after the Spread of COVID-19 in Taiwan




The relationship between "pandemic," "politics," and "religion" is an old problem, and the emergence of the new coronavirus in December 2019 is a new one. This article selects COVID-19 in Taiwan, which will spread from May 15 to July 9, 2021, as a case study. Describe and interpret how the Taiwan government uses "political power" and "scientific power" to prevent the pandemic.Since then, religion has become a periphery industry; the "theological views" and "medical views" of traditional religions seem to be difficult to use to suppress the pandemic. After the government ordered the "third level of alert," religions were affected, and various religions responded to this. I tried to interpret and answer the following questions: 1.What is the connection between religious theology and the pandemic? 2.What will the government do when the pandemic comes? 3.Does the "third level of alert" restrict religions in Taiwan? 4.The theology of local religions facing the "third level of alert" and how to respond? These four questions constitute the main topic of this article. It is used to test the "theoretical propositions" of the interaction between the government and religion after the pandemic, and the restriction of religion development by the state power.


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