  • 期刊


Discussion of Similarities and Differences between Laozi and Zhuangzi and the Dialogue between Confucianism and Taoism from the Perspective of "Humanistic Nature"




人文自然 老子 莊子 儒道對話


"Nature" is an extremely important philosophical thinking of Taoism and "humanism" mostly falls into the category of Confucianism. However, is Taoism only focused on "nature," and isolated from humanistic care? The reflection on this issue aroused my motivation for writing this article. This article is aimed at revealing that "Taoist-style humanistic spirit" is closely related to "nature", and can establish a dialogue with Confucianism, thereby enriching the humanistic connotation of both Confucianism and Taoism according to the study on "humanistic nature" of "Laozi" and "Zhuangzi". It is true that the Taoist can get rid of the label "only talking about nature without caring about humanity", breaks down the traditional stereotype, and shows the profound philosophical meaning that Taoism carries originally. More importantly, the "humanistic nature" of "Laozi" and "Zhuangzi" can be interpreted as the Taoist's worldly care, responding to the reflections in the "post-pandemic" period. For example, the humanistic nature of "Chi ism" is a way to propose specific operating methods for how to improve the mental state and physical health and the humanistic nature of "others' ethics" is a way to explore modern ethical perspectives such as the division between the group and the self. These are really philosophical remedies for Taoists to respond to people's hearts and get out of predicament. In summary, this article is aimed at clarifying the following context: first, what is the connotation of "humanistic nature"; second, the types of Laozi's "humanistic nature" and Zhuang's "humanistic nature", as well as the similarities and differences between them; third, expounding the complementary dialogue between the "humanistic nature" of Confucianism and that of Taoism, and then responding to whether Taoism only emphasizes Tao. Based on this, this article is aimed at revealing the diverse aspects of "humanity and nature" in Taoism, hoping to provide different perspectives of and responses to philosophical reflection.


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余培林,《新譯老子讀本》,臺北:三民書局,2006 年。
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