  • 期刊


Relationship among Product Attributes, Perceived Risk, and Perceived Benefits-Example of Internet Shopping




This study primarily explores the effects of product attributes, in terms of its brand, functions and relevant services, and price, on consumers' perceived risk and perceived benefits, thereby obtaining implications for management and research and providing suggestions accordingly. Internet shopping, despite its virtual nature, involves a variety of traditional and physical constructs. As a result, many business operators' impetuousinvestment in the Internet market without much consideration will only lead to either a waste of resources or trivial achievements compared with the efforts made. Business operators have to understand the consumer behavior on the Internet, in order to come up with the policies that truly cater to consumers' needs, and further consider the questions as to whether the attributes of their products are suitable for the Internet channel and whether it is necessary to expand the Internet channel. It is hoped that the research results will help enterprises to decide what the best channel is for their products based on their attributes, thus avoiding waste of resources. The study participants were conveniently sampled from the general public, and 127 valid questionnaires were collected. The research results reveal that the attributes of a product, in terms of its functions and relevant services, have a significant positive influence on consumers' perceived risk, while both the brand and price of a product have a significant positive influence on the benefits perceived by consumers with previous Internet shopping experiences.


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