  • 期刊


Understanding the Factors Influencing Family Travel Product Purchasing: Using the Means-End Approach


旅遊係融合了多元價值之活動與體驗。本研究的目的在於探討親子旅遊產品之顧客價值內涵與鏈結模式,以方法目的鏈(means-end chain, MEC)為理論基礎,針對45位參加親子旅遊套裝行程的消費者,進行一對一的深度訪談,引導他們說出購買此一旅遊產品所重視的屬性,所產生的消費結果和所獲得的最終價值。利用內容分析法建立「屬性-結果-價值」三個層次的編碼,並採用評審間信度與評審團法檢定信效度。研究結果發現消費者認為親子旅遊產品具有成就感、幸福感、享受人生、以及美好回憶等其追求的最終價值,形成這些價值的原因來自旅遊行程的規劃適合、親子同遊、孩子有玩伴、旅遊行程具有教育功能以及具休閒意義等產品特性,而這些特性使消費者認為孩子由旅行中獲得多面向的學習與成長(知識、生活與品格),同時可增進家人互動與產生家庭美滿的感覺。本研究根據研究結果除了提出建議供未來後續研究參考,並探討行銷策略的意涵作為旅遊業者行銷相關產品與進行廣告溝通之參考。


Taking travel has been regarded as an activity that enables tourists to obtain multiple values from their traveling behavior or experiences. The purpose of this study was to explore the meanings and the linkages of values toward family travel products. With the means-end chain approach, the hierarchical relationships of the purchasing factors in terms of family travel products were identified. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with 45 consumers, focusing on the attributes, consequences and values regarding the travel product purchasing. The research results indicated that the values to the consumers were a sense of achievement, happiness, fun and enjoyment in life and good memories. Furthermore, it was found that these values were based on the factors such as appropriate itinerary planning, parents and children traveling together, children traveling with companions, being educated, and being with significance of leisure. The benefits generated by the attribute factors included the learning and growth of children in many aspects, strong family cohesion as well as forming a sweet and happy family. Finally, this study drew the conclusions with marketing implications for the travel industry and the directions for future research.


莊惠慈(2016)。家庭對國內套裝旅遊之 認知與行為意圖之研究〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714031920
