  • 期刊


The Effect of Online Promotion Message on Consumer's Purchase Intention: Perspective from Framing Effect, Regulatory Focus and Timing of Redeeming Incentives


隨著網路購物迅速成長,購物網站促銷訊息設計已成為電子商務經營的重要議題,因為訊息設計策略將影響公司在網路通路上之銷售績效。雖過去研究已發現訊息框架會影響消費者知覺價值,但以購物網站促銷訊息策略作為探討之研究仍相對較缺乏。因此,本研究以線上消費者為研究對象,採2(金錢性框架效果:打折和省錢框架)x 2(調節焦點:促進型和預防型)x 2(促銷誘因時機:立即性和延緩性)之實驗設計方法進行實證資料搜集,藉以探討網路購物網站不同促銷方案與訊息策略對消費者購物行為之可能影響關係。研究結果顯示:(1)當線上購物網站的促銷訊息為使用打折框架時,消費者會有較高的知覺促銷價值與購買意願。(2)產品描述的調節焦點具干擾效果。相較於預防型焦點之訊息呈現,當線上購物網站促銷訊息使用屬正面的促進型焦點時,因打折及促進型訊息均屬較正面且擁有較佳的調節配適,所以消費者會有較高的知覺促銷價值。(3)促銷誘因時機與金錢性框架效果及調節焦點,對消費者的購買意願存在交互作用。當產品訊息以促進型焦點陳述且使用延遲之促銷誘因時,消費者在打折的金錢框架下將較省錢框架有較高的購買意願。本研究據此延伸訊息框架與調節焦點理論之基礎,並提供電子商務經營者促銷訊息規畫策略之建議。


As Internet shopping grows up rapidly, sales promotion becomes an important issue of electronic commerce success. The main object of this study is online consumer. Although there are some research has done on framing effect, it is a lack of research focuses on online sales promotion. This study utilizes an experiment with 2 (monetary framing effect: percentage of discount vs. saving amount of money framing) x 2 (regulatory focus: promotion focus vs. prevention focus on product description) x 2 (redeeming timing of monetary incentives: immediate vs. delayed) between subject design. Empirical findings conclude the followings. First, consumers tend to have a higher perceived value and purchase intention toward a promotion offer when the online sales promotion using a discount framing. Second, regulatory focus on product description has moderating effect on the relationship between monetary framing effect and consumers' perceive value of sale promotion. Third, redeeming time of monetary incentives has interaction effect with monetary framing and regulatory focus of product description to purchase intention. The research extends theoretical background of framing effect and regulatory focus theory in electronic commerce, and practical suggestions for e-commerce.


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