  • 期刊


Recently Development of Consumer Behavior Research: A Bibliometric Analysis


對於行銷管理者來說,了解消費者行為是非常重要的,因此,許多行銷研究人員的研究聚焦於探索消費者行為。本研究旨在彙整目前消費者行為研究出版文章的趨勢。本文搜尋在 1992 年 1 月至 2016 年 12 月間Social Sciences Citation Index(SSCI) 資料庫收錄的七本消費者研究期刊,包括International Journal of Consumer Studies、Journal of Consumer Affairs、Journal of Consumer Behaviour、Journal of Consumer Culture、Journal of Consumer Psychology、Journal of Consumer Research以及Psychology & Marketing,針對所收錄的 4,953 篇消費者行為研究文章,以及《行銷評論》創刊至今所刊登的 172 篇消費者行為文章,進行分析整理。在分析這些文章後,本文列示了消費者行為研究的趨勢。本文透過近期消費者行為相關研究的觀察,勾繪出消費者行為研究的輪廓,希望能幫助研究者了解此一領域的內涵與未來發展趨勢。


Understanding consumer behavior is critical to marketing managers. Significant marketing researchers focus their research on exploring consumer behavior. The current study aims to reveal the trend of published consumer behavior research articles and report theories used in the articles. By searching the seven consumer research journals, including International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Culture, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, and Psychology & Marketing, listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database in a seventeen years period between January 1992 and December 2016, we found 4,953 articles consumer behavior research articles. In addition, we summary 172 consumer research papers published in this journal Marketing Review (Xing Xiao Ping Lun). By analyzing these articles, the current study maps the trend and reveals the highly influence consumer behavior research article. The results provide fundamental insights on the recent research of consumer behavior. Even though there are some limitations, the current study provides a valuable summary for the recent consumer behavior research and a useful briefing for consumer behavior research.


方文昌、汪志堅 (2013)。回顧與展望:行銷評論發行十周年刊登論文彙編。行銷評論,10(4),459-473。
Hsueh, L. M., & Gerner, J. L. (1993). Effect of thermal improvements in housing on residential energy demand. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 27(1), 87-105.
Bei, L.-T., & Widdows, R. (1999). Product knowledge and product involvement as moderators of the effects of information on purchase decisions: A case study using the perfect information frontier approach. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 33(1), 165-186.
Huang, M.-H., & Yu, S. (2000). Gifts in a romantic relationship: A survival analysis. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(3), 179-188.
Lin, Y.-C., Lin, C.-H., & Raghubir, P. (2003). Avoiding anxiety, being in denial, or simply stroking self-esteem: Why self-positivity? Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(4), 464-477.
