  • 期刊


The Effects of the Regulatory Fit between Product Name and Product Appealing on Advertisement Attraction and Persuasion


本研究探討保養品產品名稱及廣告促求之調節配適程度對廣告吸引力及說服效果之影響,進而了解消費者外表評價為上述影響之調節效果。研究共分為兩個部分,研究一提供數個保養品產品名稱與廣告訴求供受測者依個人偏好自由配對,以了解其是否偏愛高調節配適組合之產品名稱與訴求配對。研究二則採2(產品名稱目標導向:促進、預防)X 2(廣告訴求:促進、預防)X 2(外表評價:高、低)組間設計,透過保養品產品名稱與廣告訴求目標導向之操弄,以了解四組廣告對二組外表評價受測者在廣告吸引力與說服效果的差別。研究一58位受測者配對結果發現,有高達77.59%的品名與訴求配對屬於高調節配適組合,此結果初步驗證受測者偏愛高目標導向配適產品名稱與功能訴求之廣告。研究二針對297位受測者施測結果則顯示,高配適組之廣告有較高的吸引力與說服效果。並且,外表評價的調節效果顯著存在,高外表評價受測者認為高促進配適組廣告之吸引力與說服力皆高於高預防配適組廣告;而高預防配適之組合則對低外表評價受測者擁有較高的吸引力與說服效果。


This study investigates the effects of skin care product's goal-oriented fit of product name and appeals on advertisement effectiveness, as well as the moderation role consumer's appearance evaluation plays on such effect. Study 1 first provides eight skin care product names and ad appeals to participants and asks them to find a match according to their preferences. Study 2 uses a 2 x 2 x 2 between-subject design, using product name goal orientation(promotion and prevention), ad appeals(promotion and prevention), and appearance evaluation(high and low)as attributes. The result of study 1 shows that 77.59% of matches can be classified as high regulatory fit, which may be seen as primary evidence that product name and product appeals that have high goal-oriented fit also have higher attraction. Study 2 shows that the ad appeals and persuasion effectiveness are higher in the high goal-oriented fit groups. In addition, participants with high appearance evaluation feel that the ad appeals and ad persuasion are both higher in high promotion ads, while the participants with low appearance evaluation feel that high prevention ads are more attractive and persuasive.


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