  • 期刊


The Impact of Competitive Resources on Retention Intention in Franchise System-The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Satisfaction and Rewards


在特許經營模式中,加盟者與連鎖體系之間的穩定關係是連鎖體系持續成長的基石。本研究基於資源基礎觀點,提出連鎖體系的核心競爭資源(core competitive resources)對於加盟者續約意圖的影響關係。本研究分為兩階段研究;首先,藉由文獻回顧,探討學理基礎;並遴選七位具有連鎖加盟實務經驗的總部主管及加盟者,進行深度質性訪談,據以建立觀念性模型;其次,蒐集493位加盟者之問卷樣本,以量化數據驗證本研究之論點。分析結果發現連鎖體系競爭資源,包含,連鎖體系提供之「品牌聲譽」、「後勤服務」及「營業效能」為加盟者所需的營運支持資源;以及,連鎖總部與督導機制在提供管控及輔導協助時,加盟者所感受之知覺組織支持,並區分為「知覺總部支持」及「知覺督導支持」兩個子構念,均為加盟者續約意圖的關鍵前置因素。各項競爭資源因素透過加盟者「滿意度」之中介效果,進而影響加盟者的「續約意圖」。在統計驗證上,也發現在「知覺督導支持」對「滿意度」的影響關係上,存在二次項非線性影響(quadratic nonlinear effect);同時,本研究也確認「正向獎勵」的非強制性獎勵措施,在該非線性影響關係上,具有負向調節作用。研究結果深化過去連鎖加盟學理,釐清連鎖體系競爭資源對續約意圖的影響機制;並於實務意涵上,提供連鎖加盟產業實務運作之管理建議。


The retention intention of existing franchisees is the crucial factor to stable the development of the franchise system. Based on resources-based views, this study suggests that the franchisor's competitive resources, such as brand reputation, logistics services, business efficacy, perceived headquarter support, and perceived supervisor support, will affect the franchisee retention intention. This research carries out in two stages. Firstly, it hypothesized a basic model on resources and relationship theories. Besides, we recruited seven interviewees with ample experience in franchisors or franchisees for collecting their insights by qualitative research and developing the model. Secondly, we gather 493 franchisee questionnaire data in Taiwan and examine this model utilizing bootstrapping regression. This study found: (1) The overall satisfaction of franchisees mediates the relationship between the franchisor's competitive resources and franchisee's retention intention; (2) The curvilinear relationship between perceived supervisor support of franchisee and the overall satisfaction is U-shaped; and (3) Reward moderates the relationship between perceived supervisor support and overall satisfaction. This study initially finds and discusses the nonlinear relationship between the perceived supervisor support and overall satisfaction through quadratic regressions analysis.


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