  • 期刊

The Impact of Brand Awareness and Consumer's Traits on the Evaluation of Country-of-Original Effects



來源國效應意指消費者對特定國家的態度會影響其購買行為。當一國某特定的形象愈顯著時,消費者愈容易將此國家所產製的產品與其形象作連結(來源國形象的延伸),亦即消費者對於某項產品的認知或態度的形成主要是歸因於該產品製造國的國家形象,來源國效應的價值於焉產生。儘管過去許多相關的研究已經證實來源國效應的存在以及各項可能影響的因素(諸如涉入程度、國家認同等),但是對於國際企業實務而言,來源國效應的價值應如何從消費者的觀點確實衡量,以便於在擬訂全球運疇管理策略時,將製造國與消費國間之關連,按照來源國效應價值之結構,發展最適資源配置的製造策略,選擇適切的市場區隔,訂定配套的生產、產品、與價格策略,以期求得利潤的最大化。 若欲達成前述之目的,其前提是如何客觀地衡量來源國效應。而為了將此一效應能實際與管理決策連結,本研究將此效應的價值定義為在消費者心中所願支付的代價(perceived value)。亦即當其他條件相同的情形下,因來源國的不同,消費者所願意支付的價差做為該效應之認知價值的衡量。透過聯合分析法(Conjoint Analysis),採用整體輪廓法設計問卷,讓受測者在最接近實際決策情境下做評估,以求得相對來源國效應之價值。然後,進一步針對個別消費者之認知價值的衡量,做為市場區隔的基礎,以瞭解不同來源國如何在不同的市場區隔中做最適的定位。最後,對於過去文獻中所曾提及的各項影響因素如國家認同感、產品知識、認知需求、涉入程度、國籍、品牌知名度等,亦加以驗證這些變數對來源國效應之認知價值是否有影響,並計算其影響程度的大小。唯經由正確客觀地評估與實際衡量來源國效應之價值,才能將來源國效應的觀念真正落實在國際行銷策略的發展與執行上。


Previous studies have proved the existence of the country-of-origin (COO) effects and their influence factors (such as involvement, country recognition, etc). This study defined the value of these effects as the perceived value of which it is measured by the willingness to pay in consumer's mind. That is, under the conditions that all other things have been equal, the price that consumer's willing to pay for a specific product varies on his/she perceived value of COO effects on this product. By using the Conjoint Analysis with full-profile method, this study provided a measurement to get the perceived value of COO effects. Thus, based on this perceived value from individual consumer level, marketers can do segmentations and then formulate their best product strategies. In addition, this study embraced the factors of consumer's traits, i.e., ethnocentrism, product knowledge, need for cognition, involvement, and nationality mentioned in previous literature, to investigate their impact on the COO effects, and also examined their degree of influences. Finally, the managerial implications and future researches suggestions were discussed.


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