  • 期刊


Preliminary Study of Dropouts in Outpatient Individual Psychotherapy at a Psychiatric Center


目的:由於個案的流失可能造成醫療的延遲或增加資源的浪費,故本研究調查民國91年在中台灣某療養院接受門診個別心理治療轉介個案的流失狀況,並探討與流失率、治療次數有關的因素。 方法:本研究採事後回溯及檔案整理的研究方法。並採立意取樣,期間為民國91年1至12月接受門診個別心理治療轉介的個案,共計176個案次。 結果:本研究所蒐集的176個案次,平均為37.6歲,診斷方面,精神官能症與適應性疾患佔59.3%,精神病佔41.4%。心理治療流失率為39.4%;所有個案的平均治療次數為5.14次,治療次數中數為3次,眾數為1次。其中,1-4次者佔64.3%。在流失與各項自變項間的關聯,發現男性比女性治療師有較高的個案流失比例,而治療次數愈多,則流失機會愈少。此外個案年紀與治療次數成負相關。 結論:三成多的個案在治療中流失,且六成多個案在四次會談內結束,可見心理治療個案的流失是很容易發生的問題,其因素與治療師的性別以及治療次數有關。本文對流失原因與如何預防提供初步的討論。


心理治療 流失率


Objective: We investigated the factors that contributed to the dropout from psychotherapy sessions in an outpatient department of a psychiatric center in central Taiwan. Method: We retrospectively analyzed intake and referral data from 176 patients undergoing individual psychotherapy at outpatient department from January to December 2002. Results: The average age of patients was 37.6 years. Of the 176 patients studied, 59.3% were diagnosed as having either neurotic or adjustment disorders and 41.4% were diagnosed as having psychotic disorders. The dropout rate was 39.4% and the average psychotherapy session per patient was 5.14, (median, 3; mode, 1). We found that 64.3% of patients attended from one to four treatment sessions before dropping out. Patients treated by male therapists had a higher dropout rate than those treated by female therapists. Patients who received more therapy sessions had a lower dropout rate. Patient age was negatively correlated with the number of sessions attended. Conclusion: About one-third of patients dropout from psychotherapy, and two-thirds of patients terminate within 4 sessions. The patient dropout rate is closely correlated with the gender of the therapist and the number of psychotherapy sessions attended.


Psychotherapy Dropout Rate


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高祺淳(2012)。不告而別— 不成熟結案當事人之內在經驗〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2012.00446
