  • 期刊


Development of the Daily Executive Behaviors Scale: Five-Factor Solution, Reliability, and Validity




Objective: The executive dysfunction exhibited in brain-damaged patients is a severe sequela. However, current neuropsychological tests cannot assess executive dysfunction completely due to its various manifestations. The purposes of this study were to develop an executive behavior scale for screening unusual behaviors that would accompany dysexecutive syndromes and to examine the factor structure, reliability and validity of the scale.Method: The initial items were constructed based on authors' clinical observations, reviews of relevant literature, and contents on the dysexecutive scale. A panel of experts was then asked to evaluate the content coverage, complexity, clarity and relevance of the items. The items were further trimmed by conducting item analysis and factor analysis on response data of 179 subjects rated by their caregivers. One hundred subject data were added to further assess the reliability and validity of the scale.Resulst: The final executive behavior scale consisted of 21 items. The five factors extracted from the scale were as follows: motivation control, planning, emotion control, inhibition of social interaction, and environment monitor. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale was .91, which indicated good internal consistency. Furthermore, the scale was shown to be able to discriminate between the frontal-damaged, nonfrontal-damaged, dementia, and normal subjects.Conclusion: The five-factor executive behavior scale appears to possess good reliability and validity. It could be used in assessing executive dysfunction in clinical population in Taiwan.


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