  • 期刊


Attentional Bias in Social Anxious Individuals: Influences of Morphed Facial Expressions and Anxiety-Induction Task


目的:探討高社交焦慮者於誘發焦慮情境時,對混合情緒面部表情刺激之注意偏誤現象。方法:受試者為高社交焦慮組42 人及低社交焦慮組45 人。兩組受試者皆經隨機分派接受社交焦慮情緒誘發或中性心智作業後,皆再接受約5 分鐘的點偵測作業。點偵測作業的實驗刺激包含中性表情與中強度混合厭惡表情的配對,以及中性表情與高強度厭惡表情的配對。結果:所有參與者對中、高強度威脅表情皆出現明顯的注意逃避現象;然而,參與者對中強度威脅表情的逃避傾向明顯勝過高強度威脅表情,且被誘發情境焦慮的高社交焦慮組之逃避傾向反而最低。結論:證實社交焦慮傾向與情境焦慮對注意偏誤的交互作用。在討論中,將詳述臨床應用與未來建議。


Objective: This research aimed to investigate the attentional bias of social anxious individuals by using dot-probe task based on morphed facial expression with various affective valences. This work also unveiled the effect of social threat induction task on the attentional bias of social anxious individuals Methods: There were 2 groups of, including a group of 42 high-social anxiety and a group of 45 low-social anxiety individuals. The participants were selected from community survey on internet, from age 18 to 55. All participants were assigned to social threat induction task or neutral mental task randomly. The dot-probe task was implemented on high-social anxiety group and low-social anxiety group after they passed social threat induction task or neutral mental task. In dot-probe task, the experiment stimuli were neutral face paired with moderate valence morphed threat face (50% disgust face morphed 50% neutral face) or high valence threat face (100% disgust face) respectively. Results: This research induced the state anxiety of the participants successfully. The state anxiety of the high-social anxiety group was obviously higher than the low-social anxiety group. The attention-avoidance phenomenon of moderate and high valence threat face was obviously observed from all participants. However, the attention-avoidance tendency on the moderate valence threat face was much more than on the high one. Moreover, after social threat induction task, high-social anxiety individuals exhibited the least attention-avoidance tendency. Conclusion: These results proved the interactions between social anxiety and state anxiety on attentional bias. In clinical cases, exposure treatment is recommended to enhance the habituation to threat stimulations in patients with social anxiety disorder or social phobia and apply relaxation training to mitigate the effect of state anxiety. Meanwhile, social anxiety individuals’ attentional bias toward any threat stimulations can be controlled or lessened through attention training.


Amin, N.,Foa, E. B.,Coles, M. E.(1998).Negative interpretation bias in social phobia.Behaviour Research and Therapy.36,945-957.
