  • 期刊


The Core Competency of the Clinical Psychologist in Taiwan: The Perspective of Practitioners


目的:隨著能力取向之教育風潮興起,將臨床心理師的核心能力融入在職教育是重要的課題,本研究以實務工作者的觀點透過兩階段研究來建構台灣臨床心理師核心能力,做為規劃臨床心理師專業訓練之依據。方法:第一階段為建構期,透過文件分析與焦點團體來建構臨床心理師之核心能力;第二階段為驗證期,透過自由列舉法以及階層分析法來驗證臨床心理師的核心能力。結果:在建構期建構出專業知識力、人際合作力、臨床實務力、醫療整合力、同理倫理力與學習成長力等六大核心能力。在驗證期發現六大核心能力為臨床實務工作上的重要能力且權重皆大於 .10。結論:本研究以台灣臨床工作者的視角所發展的六大核心能力,未來可做為發展與規劃臨床心理師在職教育課程之依據。


Objective: As competency-oriented education becomes increasingly popular, the clinical psychologists who have long worked in medical institutions are encouraged to pay attention to core competencies for continue education. This study adopted a two-phase research design from practice to identify Taiwan clinical psychologists' core competencies and the implications of their training. Methods: The first stage was the construction period, where document analyses were conducted and written information obtained from focus groups were utilized to construct the core competencies of clinical psychologists. The second stage was the verification period, where the free listing and the analytic hierarchy process were performed to verify the core competencies. Results: During the construction period, the six major core competencies of clinical psychologist were the academic knowledge, befriend, clinical practice, drug related system, empathy/ethics, and functional development. During the verification stage, the analytic hierarchy process revealed that all six major core competencies had a weighting greater than .10, validating their importance. Conclusion: The six major core competencies can be used as references when planning and developing the education for Taiwan clinical psychologists in the future.


林家興、林旻沛、黃佩娟、胡薇瑄、江信男(2015)。心理師能力評量表之編製及其信效度分析。教育心理學報,47(1),63– 86。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20141008
林家興、黃佩娟(2013)。台灣諮商心理師能力指標建構之共識研究。教育心理學報,44 (3),735–750。https://doi.org/10.6251/BEP.20121003


Liang, C. F., Tsai, T. Y., Li, S. M., & Chang, C. W. (2022). Framework for Clinical Psychologist Competency in Taiwan: The Perspective of Practitioners. Journal of Medical Education, 26(2), 112-120. https://doi.org/10.6145/jme.202206_26(2).0005
