  • 期刊


Decreasing Unplanned Extubations Rate in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit




Maintaining airway potency is essential for life support. Most patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) are intubated with endotracheal tube (ETT). Dislocation of ETTs not only endangers the patients' life but also consumes additional medical resources and increases the difficulty in nursing care. From August 2001 to July 2002, ETTs were placed 3469 patient-days in our unit. And dislocation of ETTs occurred 25 times; the dislocation rate of ETT was 0.72%. Dislocation of ETTs may result from several factors, e.g. the presence of foreign body in nasopharynx, patients experienced uncomfortable and were irritable; patients were not well-educated about the ETTs; SOP for patient constrain was not well established and proper practice, etc. In order to improve the quality of nursing care and patients' comfortable, several practices were employed to overcome the defaults. These included: establishing the protocol for patient sedation and pain control; standardizing the practice algorithm; providing the family members information regarding to the patients' care and principle of care; reinforcing the communication with patients themselves and their family members. After applying the above protocols, dislocation rate of ETTs has been reduced to 0.22%. Through the execution of this project, we were able to obtain self-affirmation in problem solving, to proclaim the spirit of our teamwork, and to increase the satisfaction and confidence of patients and their family members to our daily care.


unplanned extubations ICU satisfaction
