  • 期刊


The Effects of Urinary Incontinence on Women's Sexual Life


Background This study aimed to investigate the effects on urinary incontinence on women's sexual life quality. Methods This study adopted the cross-section method and recruited 323 subjects who were under age 25-55 year old. They were selected by random sampling, administered a structured questionnaire for data collection, and separated into two groups: 46 of them with the symptoms and 277 without symptom. Results (1) The occurance of the symptom increased with ages but decreased with education levels; women who had gyneclology operations were more likely to be conflicted 3.6 times than those who did not. (2) Women who had more experiences in pregnancy, laboring, and miscarriage and who is menopause showed higher percentage in suffering from it. (3) With respect to information sources about sexual knowledge, both groups relied on massive media, books, newspaper, magazines, and their ”mates”, and no statistical significance was found between both groups. (4) As for evaluation on frequency of sexual life, orgasm, feeling on intercourse and satisfaction of their sexual life, both groups demonstrated significant difference in number of orgasm before pregnancy, but in feeling on intercourse and satisfaction after laboring; women who had the symptom reported less satisfied in sexual discourse than those who did not. Those who had the symptom reported less satisfaction with their sexual life after they delivered babies. Conclusion Age, education level and gyneclologic operations were influencial factors for occurance of urinary incontinence. Laboring has been found to be a statistically significant factor. This study suggests that women should consult be the major factor. Furthermore, pregnancy, laboring (more than twice), miscarriage and menopause raised the possibilities of the symptom, which decreased the quality of their sexual life.


尿失禁 性生活


Background This study aimed to investigate the effects on urinary incontinence on women's sexual life quality. Methods This study adopted the cross-section method and recruited 323 subjects who were under age 25-55 year old. They were selected by random sampling, administered a structured questionnaire for data collection, and separated into two groups: 46 of them with the symptoms and 277 without symptom. Results (1) The occurance of the symptom increased with ages but decreased with education levels; women who had gyneclology operations were more likely to be conflicted 3.6 times than those who did not. (2) Women who had more experiences in pregnancy, laboring, and miscarriage and who is menopause showed higher percentage in suffering from it. (3) With respect to information sources about sexual knowledge, both groups relied on massive media, books, newspaper, magazines, and their ”mates”, and no statistical significance was found between both groups. (4) As for evaluation on frequency of sexual life, orgasm, feeling on intercourse and satisfaction of their sexual life, both groups demonstrated significant difference in number of orgasm before pregnancy, but in feeling on intercourse and satisfaction after laboring; women who had the symptom reported less satisfied in sexual discourse than those who did not. Those who had the symptom reported less satisfaction with their sexual life after they delivered babies. Conclusion Age, education level and gyneclologic operations were influencial factors for occurance of urinary incontinence. Laboring has been found to be a statistically significant factor. This study suggests that women should consult be the major factor. Furthermore, pregnancy, laboring (more than twice), miscarriage and menopause raised the possibilities of the symptom, which decreased the quality of their sexual life.


Urinary incontinence sexual life




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