  • 期刊


The Related Factors of Sleep Quality among On-the-job Training Nurses


目的探討在職進修護理人員睡眠品質及其影響因素。方法以橫斷面相關調查法,針對中部某科技大學在職進修之護理人員進行方便收案,得有效樣本227位,以結構式問卷進行資料的收集,內容包括人口學特性、工作狀況與睡眠品質。睡眠品質以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表進行測量,最後將所得資料以SPSS19.0 for Windows進行描述性和推論性統計之分析。結果在職進修護理人員之平均睡眠品質分數為7.40±3.24,自覺睡眠品質不良者佔67%。年齡較大、每週工作超過40小時,上大小夜班、需輪班與工作壓力大者其睡眠品質不良之比率明顯較高,其他如進修學制、婚姻狀況、子女情形、服藥情形、運動行為、服務單位與工作年資等變項則無顯著差異。結論超過六成在職進修護理人員自覺睡眠品質不良,又影響睡眠品質之可改變因素包括每週工作時數,輪班與壓力,因此建議行政管理者對在職進修之護理人員能提供合理的工作時數與適當的輪班,降低壓力,以改善其睡眠品質。


Purposes To understand the condition of sleep quality for on-the-job training nurses and to analyze the related factors of sleep quality. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted and convenience sampling undertaken of 227 subjects recruited at a Taichung university. After data collection, SPSS 19.0 was used for descriptive and inferential analysis. Results The mean score for sleep quality was 7.40±3.24, with 67% of on-the-job training nurses perceiving poor sleep quality. Older nurses, those working more than 40 hours per week, those working in the afternoon and on night shifts, those doing shift work, and those with more work pressure had the highest scores for poor sleep quality. Others variables, such as educational degree, marital status, number of children, medication, exercise behavior, service units and working period, showed no significant association. Conclusions More than 60% of nurses perceived poor sleep quality. The changeable factors to sleep quality include working time/per week, shift work and stress. According to these results, the researchers recommend the hospital manager should provide reasonable working hours and proper shift work to improve the sleep quality for on-the-job training nurses and to lower their stress.


On-the-job training Nurses Sleep quality Work stress


