  • 期刊


A Study of Relationships between Caring Behavior and Organizational Ethical Climate among Caregivers in Long-term Care Institutions


目的 本研究檢視中台灣10家長期照護機構220位照護人員之關懷行為與組織倫理氣候現狀,也將檢視照護人員人口統計學是否影響其關懷行為與組織倫理氣候,以及是否關懷行為與組織倫理氣候具有相關性。方法 本研究問卷發放給長照機構照護人員(含護理人員及照服員),內容包括三大部分(人口學特徵、關懷行為量表-Caring Assessment Report Evaluation Q-sort、組織倫理氣候量表),回收資料進行t檢定、ANOVA檢定及典型相關分析。結果 照護人員人口學特徵與關懷行為中的「可近性」、「監測與追蹤」兩個構面以及組織倫理氣候四個構面有顯著相關。關懷行為中的「監測與追蹤」、「事先考慮」、「解釋與增進」三個構面顯示與組織倫理氣候的「功利氣候」呈中度正相關,即照護人員的「關懷行為」中三個構面「監測與追蹤」、「事先考慮」、「解釋與增進」實際表現行為愈高,照護人員感受組織的「功利氣候」愈高。結論 管理者應該營造一個組織照護氛圍、以身作則,建立典範及良善政策,並關心員工,進而增進員工福祉。


Purposes In this study, we examined the caring behavior and organizational ethical climate among 220 caregivers selected from 10 long-term care facilities in central Taiwan. We also examined whether caregivers’ demographic characteristics influenced their caring behavior and organizational ethical climate and whether a relationship existed between the caring behavior of caregivers and organizational ethical climate. Methods A questionnaire composed of three sections (caregiver information - nurses and nurse aides, Care-giving Assessment Report Evaluation Q-sort, and The Ethical Climate Scale) was administered, and the responses were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA test, and canonical correlation analysis. Results The results demonstrated that demographic characteristics were significantly related to the "accessible" and "monitors and follows through" dimensions of care-giving and the four dimensions of organizational ethical climates. The "monitors and follows through," "anticipates," and "explains and facilitates" dimensions of caring behavior showed a positive and higher relationship with organizational ethical climates, thereby indicating that caregivers who demonstrated higher performance in these three dimensions of caring behavior also demonstrated higher "utilitarian climate." Conclusions We recommend that managers should create an organizational care climate and teach and lead by example over words, establish a model and policy of kindness and concern toward employees, and increase employee welfare.
