  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Using Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in a Depressed Patient with Suicidal Behavior




正念 憂鬱症 自殺行為


This paper describes the nursing experience of a case of depression with suicidal behavior. The patient had high self-expectations, coped poorly with work stress, and lacked disease awareness. Physical and mental stress accumulated and became unbearable, prompting suicidal behavior. The author was worried about a successful suicide attempt in the absence of appropriate and timely intervention. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was applied as an intervention. During the nursing period from February 8 to April 24, 2018, observation, interview, and holistic nursing assessment determined that the health problems of the patient included potentially dangerous injury-suicide behavior, negative outlook concerning personal coping, and detrimental changes in health maintenance (specifically, lack of disease awareness). The author first established a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship with the patient. To address the potentially dangerous injury-suicide behavior, a safe and supportive environment was provided, the Brief Symptom Rating Scale was adopted to evaluate emotional changes, and the patient was taught to appropriately release emotions. Concerning personal coping, the patient was taught to cope with and transfer stressors by practicing mindfulness, and to refute irrational beliefs using the Socratic method. Concerning health maintenance and the lack of disease awareness, the patient was educated to be better aware of the drugs being used, to improve compliance with the drug therapy, and to improve disease awareness. The mindfulness-based cognitive therapy effectively alleviated depression enhanced personal coping skills, and improved disease awareness. It is suggested to practice with and guide a patient at the initial stage of implementation. Providing the patient with a card with prompts and instructions before discharge for use continuously after discharge is helpful. It is hoped that this nursing experience can help promote the clinical application of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.


Mindfulness Depression Suicidal behavior
