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Nursing Students' Knowledge Regarding the Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes of Older Adults


目的:性的意涵對老年人不僅是純粹性交,而是親密關係、社會文化與心理等交互因素。社會禁忌、習俗阻礙人們獲取足夠性知識,連學校教育也避談性行為,導致許多偏差看法。培育護理專業的性教育是直接能降低對老年人性行為負面定型的方法之一。本研究目的為調查護理系學生對老年人的性知識與性態度。方法:研究採橫斷面、結構式問卷法,對象來自於中部某科技大學護理系學生,經過IRB同意後有效回收360位(有效回收率90.0%)。問卷包括基本資料、老年人性知識與性態度量表(The Aging Sexuality Knowledge and Attitudes Scale, ASKAS),均具有良好的信度。問卷發放期間為2020年3月1日至2020年9月30日。統計方法採SPSS22.0,進行描述性與推論性統計分析。結果:本研究結果,樣本以「女性」328人(91.1%)、「大三」學生284人(78.9%)、「未婚」344人(95.6%)、「無工作」196人(54.4%)、「道教」176人(48.9%)、「無工作經驗」196人(54.4%)、「醫院工作」81人(22.5%)最多。平均年齡21.91±3.83歲。學生性知識答對率53.5%。性態度平均得分為3.14±0.74。信仰佛教在性知識平均得分顯著高於信仰道教、天主基督及其他。年齡與性知識呈顯著低度正相關。性知識與性態度呈顯著低度正相關。宗教信仰、性知識對性態度具有顯著預測力。結論:護理系學生性知識為中等程度、有寬容的性態度,應多了解老年人的性需求與性議題,學校可以強化性照護健康課程,醫療機構應形塑友善老年人的環境,並改善護理人員溝通技巧應用在老年人的性議題。


護理系 大學生 老年人 性知識 性態度


Purposes: To older adults, sex is not merely sexual intercourse but encompasses the interactions of intimate relationships with sociocultural and psychological factors. Many biased opinions regarding sex are held as the acquisition of adequate sexual knowledge is often hindered by social taboos and customs, and sex is still considered a taboo topic in school education. Sex education in professional nursing education is a way to reduce the negative stereotyping of older adults' sexual behaviors. This study investigated nursing students' knowledge regarding the sexual knowledge and attitudes of older adults. Methods: A cross-sectional design was adopted. Participants were nursing students from a science and technology university in central Taiwan. After obtaining approval from the Institutional Review Board, data were collected using a structured questionnaire and 360 valid questionnaires were returned (valid response rate: 90.0%). The questionnaire consisted of two components: basic information and the Aging Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale (ASKAS), which had good reliability. Questionnaires were distributed from March 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses of the collected data were performed using SPSS 22.0. Results: The results indicated that the majority of the participants were female (328, 91.1%), third-year students (284, 78.9%), single (344, 95.6%), unemployed (196, 54.4%), Taoists (176, 48.9%), and working at hospitals (81, 22.5%), and had no previous nursing experience (196, 54.4%). The participants had an average age of 21.91±3.83 years. Correct-answer rate of 53.5% for sexual knowledge, and average score of 3.14±0.74 points for sexual attitudes. Buddhists had a significantly higher sexual knowledge score than Taoists, Catholics/Christians, and believers of other religions/ non-believers. Age showed a significantly weak positive correlation with sexual knowledge, sexual knowledge showed a significantly weak positive correlation with sexual attitudes, and religious faith and sexual knowledge had significant predictive power for sexual attitudes. Conclusions: Nursing students generally had a moderate level of sexual knowledge and an open mind toward the sexual attitudes of older adults. To enhance the understanding of older adults' sexual needs and issues, nursing schools should improve sexual health care courses, and medical institutions should create age-friendly environments and strengthen the communication skills of nurses to better handle sexual issues of older adults.
