  • 期刊


Health Professionals' role in Addressing Social Determinants of Health




Social determinants of health (SDH) is the root cause of all causes. The proportion of attributable deaths to SDH is higher than healthcare system and lifestyles. SDH caused avoidable healthcare cost and health inequalities. World Health Organization and the United Nations have both proposed policies addressing SDH to achieve health for all and to leave no one behind. In response to such global efforts, the Health Promotion Administration has published "Health Inequalities in Taiwan" in collaboration with University College London, Institute of Health Equity in 2016 as the first national health inequalities report in Asia. Through analysis of health statistics, it showed similar social gradient phenomenon in Taiwan. Based on the conceptual policy framework, it reviewed and identified Taiwan's success practices and provided recommendations for doing better in the future. This framework and its recommendations provide insight on what works in addressing SDH. Health professionals work at the downstream of ill health and play a pivotal role in addressing SDH to reverse the vicious cycle and create win-win co-benefits between healthcare system and the society. This paper provides summary of interventions at health professions education, clinical level, practice level and community level that aimed to raise awareness on SDH, develop a just-based team culture, renovate clinical pathways, and transform health profession into a change agent to improve SDH for patients, organizations and communities and to advocate for governmental policy changes.
