  • 期刊


The Formation of Quasi-commercial Theatre Production Dancing Diva in Socio-cultural Context


研究將剖析當代臺灣準商業劇場製作《臺灣舞孃》如何鑲嵌於社會文化脈絡之中,而後者又是如何影響這個劇場表演的生產與接收。本文分析的焦點不只是《臺灣舞孃》的劇場表演文本,更針對其運用大眾傳播媒體進行行銷傳播時,所產生的各種衍生文本,例如電視上的廣告和新聞報導,電視、廣播和雜誌上的相關訪談,網際網路中的社交網絡上的照片與影片分享等。藉由閱讀形構(reading formation)的概念來檢視,形塑這些衍生文本與讀者相遇的社會機制和意識型態如何形塑著這個劇場製作的被閱讀/消費。也就是說,社會文化脈絡不只是背景,而是形塑劇場製作如何被閱讀的要緊因素。此外,藉由布爾迪厄(PierreBourdieu)的文化生產場域,來理解形塑當代臺灣現代劇場藝術圈常規的社會文化機制運作,並檢視《臺灣舞孃》在劇場文化生產場域中的位置,以洞悉劇場藝術圈內與圈外在社會文化面向上的交互作用機制,而此一機制實則有效地組織了劇場藝術圈內人對《臺灣舞孃》的理解與閱讀。邁入21世紀的臺灣社會,經濟對整體劇場文化生產場域益形具有影響力,準商業劇場製作《臺灣舞孃》案例的分析,也可作為理解其他商業取向劇場的參照。


This paper is a study to unearth how the quasi-commercial theatre production Dancing Diva was imbedded in its socio-cultural context, and how this context helps to shape its cultural production and consumption. The focus of the analysis in this paper is not only on the theatre performance text of Dancing Diva, but also on related texts created in marketing via mass communications media, e.g. television advisements and news reports, interviews conducted on television, radio and magazines, also photos or video clips shared through social networks on internet. Revealed through the perspective of reading formation, it is the institutions and ideologies which shape how these related texts are read by various readers that can effectively shape how this theatre production isread/consumed. That is to say, the socio-cultural context of reading is not only the background of where the reading takes place, but also instrumental in how the reading takes shape. Pierre Bourdieu’s analysis of the field of cultural production serves as an adequate measure for understanding the socio-cultural institutions which organize the conventions in the artistic world of contemporary theatre in Taiwan. Examination of the position of Dancing Diva in the field of cultural production gives an insight of how this theatre production was received by theatre professionals in the artistic world and why it was received in this way. Into the 21st century in Taiwan, thepower from the economic world has an even stronger influence over the cultural field of production for contemporary theatre. Such is the case with Dancing Diva. The study conducted here in this paper hopefully brings insight into our understanding ofnot only quasi-commercial theatre production Dancing Diva, but also other commercial-oriented theatre in Taiwan.




Huang, Y. L. (2015). 演譯性/別:台灣現代戲劇的跨文化改編,1990- [master's thesis, National Central University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512074517
