  • 期刊


Competition for a Greater Voice in National Drama: An Analysis on the Discussions of "National Form of Drama" during the Anti-Japanese War based on the Central Daily News




Discussions about "National Form of Drama" during the Anti-Japanese War have huge impact on the further development of Chinese drama. During this period, the left-wing party, affiliated with the stance of "Workers, Peasants, and Solders", gradually formed its picture of "National Drama" on the basis of populace's "Folk Style". However, the right-wing party's attitude toward this subject has been long neglected by researchers. By investigating into and analyzing of the KMT's official newspaper, Central Daily News, and its articles about "National Form of Drama", this paper discusses the right-wing party's attitudes and responses, and the phenomenon of competing for a greater voice in National Drama. According to the Central Daily News, Wang Bo Sheng in 1935 brought about the issue of "Competition between Drama and New Opera", and the term "National Form" thus appeared in relevant discussion. Before 1941, the Central Daily News mainly discussed the national form of drama from the perspective of "Popular Literary Art" and focused on the topic of "reutilizing old forms". After the South Anhui Incident of 1941, however, the right-wing criticized the "National Form" and maintained in favor of "Nationalist Drama", and hence creating a struggle for the legitimate voice between the right and the left, responding to the long-term confrontation and coopetition of the discourses between "Nationalism" and "Class". There were different pictures of National Drama and New Opera appearing in the Central Daily News; however, when the CPC gained the power, National Drama featuring "Workers, Peasants and Soldiers" came to the dominating position and has become the only voice in Chinese Drama in the decades to come.


