  • 期刊


Towards a Platform for Integration: Wang Bosheng and His "New Opera" Experiment




In the 1930s and 1940s in China, Wang Bosheng was well-known as the president of Shandong Provincial Theatre and National Opera School. He was proficient in both drama and Beijing Opera. In the early 30s, he explicitly proposed the "New Opera" idea which aimed to innovate tradition, and devoted himself to the "New Opera" experiment. During Wang Bosheng's 20-year theatre career, his works subsumed under "New Opera" expanded the horizons in Chinese drama at that time, and his ideas of drama education nurtured many talents of drama and music who affected the subsequent reforms of Chinese opera and gave rise to the "National Opera". By investigating into historical materials, this paper explores Wang Bosheng's theatre career from his early stage to the stage characterized with his style of "cross-theatrical form". Additionally, by discussing different textual versions of Jing Ke (荊軻) by Wang Bosheng and Gu Yiqiao, along with Wang Bosheng's "New Opera" works such as Wen Tianxiang (文天祥), Yue Fei (岳飛), and Jing Ke, this paper will illustrates Wang Bosheng's contribution to integrating different theatrical forms. With his idea and practices of "New Opera", Wang Bosheng created an integration platform for the theatrical circles at that time, on which different art forms like Chinese opera, drama, opera, music, etc. could have the opportunity to present, interact, and explore new possibility. Swayed by the collision between the East and the West, the Old and the New in the first half of the twentieth century, the "controversial nature" attributed to Wang Bosheng and his "New Opera" reflects the manifestations of the keenness to discussion and the space for experiment, which has positive significance in the history of Chinese drama.


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