  • 期刊


Re-exploration of the Chapter "Taiwanese Drama" in Taiwan Customs: A Comparison between the Chinese Translation and the Original Version




片岡巖 陳金田 馮作民 翻譯 舊慣調查


This paper discusses the contents recorded in the chapter "Taiwanese Drama" of Taiwan Customs by Kataoka Iwao. It will first review the backgrounds of the book, including both Iwao's personal experience in Taiwan and the broad background of the Japanese's survey on the Taiwanese's old customs, and indicate that Taiwan Customs has the pivotal position in the knowledge enterprise of the colonial authority. Then, the differences of chapter "Taiwanese Drama" between its Chinese translation (1981) and its original work (1921) will be discussed. Iwao's discourses on Taiwanese dramas are objective, logically clear, and fluently written, reflecting a cross-cultural perspective on the dramas. However, the Chinese translation does not accurately convey the original contents; the translator's strategy leads to readers' misinterpretation of the original work and reflects the influence of the political and cultural environment at the time of being translated.


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