  • 期刊


The Restlessness of Orientalism? Or the Workings of Dharma? The Adaptation, Appropriation, Innovation, and Abuse of Indian Cultural Legacy in Peter Brook's 1985 production of The Mahabharata




Peter Brook has long been considered one of the most acclaimed Shakespearean directors. His world-renowned production of The Mahabharata has caused quite a stir when it was mounted in 1985 and become one of the most controversial works in the second half of the twentieth century. While winning critical acclaim from some critics and audiences, it was vehemently criticized by others. The production was branded not so much an instance of intercultural exchange as a case of "wholesale plunder or rape, for behind his 'mask' of tolerant liberalism Brook is authoritarian and self-serving." On the other hand, this production is highly praised by Vijay Mishra, calling it "arguably the theatrical spectacle of the century, nine hours of sheer theatre unsurpassed in the known history of the Mahabharata…a theatrical event of such epic proportions that it will change the Mahabharata-as-world-text forever." It is evident that the two opposing assessments, each derived from postcolonial and post-structural/intercultural stance respectively, do not share much common ground with respect to Brook's production of The Mahabharata. Focusing on exploring Brook's theatrical production of The Mahabharata, this paper attempts to re-examine and re-appraise it from the following diverse perspectives, namely the restlessness of orientalism, the viewpoint of cultural translation, and the concept of dharma. In this paper, I argue that the issue of cultural translation has to do with a variety of problems such as artistic intention, aesthetic interpretation, moral ethics, religious values, and cultural hegemony, and it is equally justifiable for us to conduct analyses and pass judgment on the above issues and problems from the angle of dharma.


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Banu, Georges. 1991. “The Language of Stories: Peter Brook interviewed by Georges Banu.” Peter Brook and the Mahabharata: Critical Perspectives. Ed. David Williams. London: Routledge. 45-51.
Barthes, Roland. 1988. “From Work to Text.” Image/Music/Text. Trans. Stephen Heath. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. 155-64.
