  • 期刊


The Renew Library of Alexandria in Egypt


埃及是世界古文明國之一,歷經幾千年之悠久歷史,創造出人類許多重要發明、經濟與政治組織,以及有關特屬於埃及之科學、文學、哲學與宗教之輝煌文化。其中在整個歷史發展歷程,馬其頓亞歷山大大帝(Alexandre Le Grand)更是戰績輝煌的一位統治者,他所建造的「亞歷山大城」更是受到學者們極高的評價,其中又以世界七大奇蹟之金字塔和亞歷山大燈塔,以及亞歷山大圖書館最具歷史意義。自文獻中得知亞歷山大圖書館是世界上第一座圖書館,也是人類早期歷史上最偉大的圖書館後,發現它在一千六百年前遭火焚燬,內心之傷痛與不捨無可言喻;幸而埃及政府積極推動重建亞歷山大圖書館之計劃,終於新的亞歷山大圖書館於2002年10月重新開幕,再度以嶄新的容貌站在世界的舞台上。本文藉由回顧亞歷山大圖書館之過往情事,並根據現今重建後狀況,針對新館空間規劃、硬體設備與館藏內容三部份,探究亞歷山大圖書館被視為文化產業之成功案例!


Egypt is notably one of the greatest ancient civilizations. With a long-standing history going back thousands of years, the culture of Egypt had been brilliantly cultivated with several major inventions, economic and political organizations, science, literature, philosophy, religion etc. During the development process, Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia, was one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. ”The Alexandria” he built was highly valued by scholars. Among the 7 Wonders, Pyramid, The Lighthouse of Alexandria and Bibliotheca Alexandrina all hold great historic significance.Upon learning from historical documents that Bibliotheca Alexandrina was the first library in the world and also the greatest library in the early history of mankind, however, an overwhelming sense of sorrow was felt deep inside within when it was noted that a fire destroyed the library some 1,600 years ago. Fortunately, the Egypt government swiftly set upon the reconstruction of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina into action. The new Bibliotheca Alexandrina was finally reopened on October 2002. Once again it stood on the stage of the world wearing its brand new refurbished look.I have been studying library science for over twenty years and throughout all I have been devoting my time into building an illustrious library-related career. A sense of inseparable affection for the library has grown tremendously, and especially so towards the mysterious Egypt. Particularly for the same reason, I have also collected and compiled numerous documentaries. By reviewing the history of Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the current situation after reconstruction, this paper will place focus on three main topics in space planning of the new library, hardware and collection to discuss the successful case of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the culture industry.


Egypt The Library of Alexandria
