  • 期刊


An Analysis of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Based on Rear Foot Landing during Jogging


本研究旨在探討在不同速度時的跑步著地型態,並比較不同速度時腳後跟著地的跑步型態與地面垂直反作用力的關係差異。研究者利用Kistler Gaitway跑步機及測力板對9名男性受試者進行跑步測試,以2 m/s、2.5 m/s、3 m/s及3.5 m/s四種跑步速度依序進行,每名受試者擷取最適跑法10秒鐘之跑步資料,測力板取樣頻率為每秒360次。實驗所得資料以次數分配及單因子(跑步速度)變異數分析來檢測著地型態及地面垂直反作用力之間 的差異;若達顯著差異,以Scheff法進行事後比較。本研究皆以α=.05為顯著水準。本研究發現以下結論:(一)跑者採用腳後跟著地的次數及人次,在跑步速度2.0m/s最少、2.5m/s次少、3.0m/s次多及3.5m/s時最多。(二)身高在170cm以下、體重在60kg以下的跑者,在跑步速度3.0m/s以下時,都會採用腳後跟著地的跑步型態;跑步速度在3.5m/s時,所有跑者至少會出現一次採用腳後跟著地的跑步型態。(三)不同跑步速度時,著地期時間參數有以下差異,1、達第一、二峰值的時間,在跑步速度3.5m/s時才會明顯變快;2、達第一峰值的時間百分比,在跑步速度2.5m/s時明顯變慢;3、達第二峰值的時間百分比,在跑步速度3.5m/s時明顯變慢。(四)不同跑步速度時,著地期力量參數有以下差異,1、第一、二峰值與速度呈非線性關係增加,在跑步速度3.5m/s時才會明顯增加;2、負荷率在跑步速度3.5m/s時才會明顯增加;3、消退率會隨跑步速度增加,但在中速度時(3.0m/s、2.5m/s)沒有差異。(五)不同跑步速度時,著地期衝量參數的地面垂直衝量及地面垂直反作用力總量,與速度呈非線性關係增加,即在跑步速度3.5m/s時才會明顯增加。


This research aimed to explore the foot landing patterns in different jogging speeds, and the difference of vertical ground reaction force (GRF) based on rear foot landing in different jogging speeds. Researchers used Gaitway treadmill system to test nine male adults while they were jogging at speeds of 2m/s, 2.5 m/s, 3 m/s and 3.5 m/s. The treadmill data were collected in every contact ten seconds and force plate data were collected three hundreds and sixty times in every second. Collected data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and alpha coefficient was set at .05 for all computations. Results of this research were: 1. The rear foot landing type increased as jogging speed from 2.0m/s~3.5m/s. 2. The height under 170 cm and weight under 60 kg of the runners did influence the landing type at the speed below 3.0 m/s, and all runners used the running pattern of rear foot landing at jogging speed of 3.5 m/s. 3. There were different time parameters as follow (1) the first and second peaks of vertical GRF time occurred quickly at jogging speed of 3.5 m/s. (2) the percent of the vertical GRF which reach the first peak time occurred much slowly at jogging speed of 2.5 m/s. (3) the percent of the vertical GRF reach second peak time occurred much slowly at jogging speed of 3.5 m/s. 4. There were different force parameters as follow (1) the first and second peak of vertical GRF, the magnitudes and speed increased in non-linear relationship.(2) The loading rate occurred rapidly at jogging speed of 3.5 m/s.(3) the decaying rate increased as jogging speeds went up. But there was no difference while runners ran at speed of 3.0m/s and 2.5m/s. 5. There were different impulse parameters as follow: The vertical impulses and the total of the vertical force, the magnitudes and speed increased in non-linear relationship.


