  • 期刊


Developing Human Capital Practical Pre-indicators of Foreign Spouses: The Case of Taichung City Area




Among topics of how foreign spouses face cross-cultural and social inclusion issues after their arrival in Taiwan, their adaptation and employment are the key ones. To explore this issue on whether competencies of foreign spouses enough for them to live well or make it better, it is suggested to discuss the foreign spouses practical pre-indicators based on the "human capital" theory. The research objectives are: (1) to explore the human resource of foreign spouses in workplace; (2) to point out foreign spouses' work adaptation and human development issues derived from their workplace; (3) to propose the foreign spouses human capital practical pre-indicators according their jobs. This research has adopted "descriptive research method" and, after conducted in-depth and focus group interviews, successfully collected 35 samples by using the snowball sampling. This research conclusion: although foreign spouses have relatively weaker willings towards the human resource development, their ambitions on "learning" are not less than local employees. Therefore, how to assist them to participate in learning activities in workplace should be important; on the other hand, the adaptation derived from workplace for foreign spouses are not as serious as people thought. However, their adaptation in their workplace is somehow related to their family in life and affect the quality of their marriage; as for the foreign spouses human capital practical pre-indicators, it shall not only conform to practical indicators in workplace, but also be constructed based on the implications of human resources development for them. This research has also proposed the pre-indicators including the "non-financial indicator", "human resources development indicator" and "workplace learning indicator".
